Time for the dreaded drug test (suggestions needed)


Well-Known Member
Welp I got a job at fedex as a package handler. It's only a part time position and didn't know whether or not they would drug test me, but the guy told me that they WILL be drug testing me.

I have weed in my system from semi-regular use (not every day, more like 3-5 days a week) and have taken some percosets as well in the past month. I was thinking that I should buy one of the system cleaning kits that they sell at GNC or something like that. I need something that I can buy at a store, I can't really rely on something that might not be shipped here in time.

Thank you for helpin me out in my time of need ppl :peace:


Well-Known Member
I heard vitamin c will clean out thc from your system, never had to do it though. Good luck.

Fucking funny avatar by the way HAHA


Well-Known Member
SOme of the head shops also keep the NC drinks behind the counter. I've found the GNC drink to work nad then there also detox teas you can buy at the apothacary that will do the trick as well. You basically flush your system and then hold the last bit of pee which is clean because you've flushed you system. Drink plenty of water and detox tea starting now and stop smoking, then do your detox and you should have no problems. Goodluck man

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
You need to be clean for at least 7 days to ensure you'll pass it.

The concept is to just drink an ass load of water. Just like a plant, you use an excess of water to flush through your body. Room in your stomach? Drink water. Haven't pee'd this hour? Not enough water. Drink Drink.

Eating a good clean diet will help also. Aim for things like lemon fish, lemon chicken, rice, and steamed vegetables for a whole week. You want all organic, and lots of fruits and vegetables. Multi-vitamins and products like Emergen-C will help too. Anything that helps remove free-radicals, like green tea, will help too.

I suggest 1 gallon of unsweetened Decaf Green Tea and 1 gallon of pure H2O every day, for one week. Eat steamed vegetables and rice with every meal. Steer clear of lipids as much as you can, try to run on mostly complex carbs for that week. You're going to piss and shit all these toxins out in under 170 hours, you're going to be going A LOT!!!

Incorporating high fiber in your diet will help clean you also. If you've gained a pound or ten since you started smoking, shedding all this weight prior to the test while flushing will also help ensure a clean pass. That could take a lot more time.

No alcohol. No caffeine. No drugs or intoxicants. If it didn't exist 10,000 years ago you probably shouldn't put it in your body.

For myself, I've added about 35lbs since I started smoking (185 to 220), and I smoke 2 grams a day, every day, and have been for at least the last 7 years. So... for someone like me I need a whole month of detox, I need to lose a lot of that weight, and I still need to do the professional flush systems. It'd probably take 60 days for me to naturally pass a piss test.

Makes fake penises, pocket warmers, and artificial piss pretty much necessary...


Well-Known Member
I test for a new job tomorrow.

Water, water, water, b vits to make clear pee yellow, and creatine to hide the dilution. And luck.

Good thing it's a shit job, because I'll be fucking amazed if I pass.


Well-Known Member
I was in the military and I smoked all the time for 8 years and I've used the Detox kind you find at GNC and I allways past the test with A+ lol! Anyware from 1 day to a week prior. snowcrash is dead on. Lots of water you want to go every 30 min or so, vitamin, clean food, fiber you could get phsylium and add it to juice I drink a smoothie made from wheat grass, physlium, acai berri yogurt and bananas every morning and I'm regular as a bitch always detoxing my body, all good to make you go. Last time I did it for my new job had a day an a half notice after smoking non stop for about a month I did water all day with a lot of vitamins C,B3,B12 quadruple the dose and the detox before the test and I pass but I had to doit 3 times because I was peeing nothing but water and they made me re doit lol!. Good luck wish you the best!!


Well-Known Member
If I'm remembering correctly the oxycodone won't be an issue. I don't think it's in your body for more than a week tops (assuming you're a recreational user, and don't use often). How long until you take the test? My brother used to use Niacin to pass piss tests while he was in the Marines. Although my bro is a very trustworthy guy, I can't vouch for it personally since I've never had to pass a drug test. It's at least something you can look into, and it's available at any vitamin store.

I would personally be drinking gallons and gallons of water and teas all day everyday leading up to the test, hoping it would work. Might also want to pick up a piss test from CVS or Walgreens to see where you're at too.

Good luck homie and don't forget to report back.


Well-Known Member
yea you dont gotta worry about the percs,there out in 3 days.The easiest way to know you'll pass is to bring someone elses piss in.


I administer drug tests daily as a part of my job. Synthetic urine will work for this type of position. 100% positive. The only draw backs are certain brands dose out the minimum required for a drug test, which is usually 15 ml. Some dose out 30 ml. I would recommend buying 2 or 60 ml, because some testers can be jerks if the amount is not up to their satisfaction...or hovering the 15ml mark. Also they come with heat pads, and a heat strip on the side letting you know the temp is correct, which happens to be the first thing we look at when recieving the sample.
Easy, Simple, Works everytime.


Active Member
I feel like he might be messin with you if he thinks that you're a smoker.. probably not, but I worked at ups doing the same job and they didn't drug test me. Seems strange.


Well-Known Member
I was up for a Job years ago when they frist started this drug testing...........I passed all the stuff for the type of job they were impressed and I was in the office on the last interview..............The Guy told me I had the job if I could pass a Drug test.........Man was I happy ....I told him man then I have the job cause I can name over 80 drugs just by taste alone.................I dont think I should of been stoned when I did that.......I didnt get the job.......he ran me out of the office sigh