Time frame to move from root squares to pots?


Active Member
Generally speaking what is the time frame that one should transplant a seedling plant from the root square into an actual growing medium and pot? I know it is when the roots are in good shape and have grown into the root square but I was wondering generally about how long I should be on the look out for it?
are u growing hydroponically or in soil? Im 2 weeks into my first hydro grow and so far, theyre still doing fine in the 1.5" rockwool cubes i started them in, no roots poking out of the bottom. I have the cubes sitting in 6x6 pots of hydroton, i bought 4inch rockwool slabs that i was planning to put the cubes in, but theyre doing so well im wondering if i should even bother?


Well-Known Member
Transplant when roots are coming out of the cubes usally under 2 weeks . I use rapid rooters then go to soil .

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Actually, what about from seeds?
Depends what you mean. If you want to know how long it takes a seed to grow to a size ready for flowering compared to the same with clones, I'd guess about an extra week or so with healthy seeds.

Come to think of it, I haven't flowered a seed plant since the teenager days of trying to sprout bagseed. We always use seed plants as clone mothers.


Active Member
are u growing hydroponically or in soil? Im 2 weeks into my first hydro grow and so far, theyre still doing fine in the 1.5" rockwool cubes i started them in, no roots poking out of the bottom. I have the cubes sitting in 6x6 pots of hydroton, i bought 4inch rockwool slabs that i was planning to put the cubes in, but theyre doing so well im wondering if i should even bother?
Soil, This is my first grow so I thought I should get a couple of these under my belt before I went to hydro.


Well-Known Member
Clone in the pot if you can.
Cube / pellet / or bare.
If cuttings are readilly available, 2 per pot. When you see new growth on the green, after 2 days, trash the weaker one.