Time to End "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

I have to agree with our commander in chief and Robert Gates, as well as several other top dogs in our armed forces. End DADT!

This is an open call to all that oppose the ending of DADT...please tell me why you oppose letting willing soldiers serve, besides a 1-2 sentence diatribe about other men looking at your dick and/or homophobic nonsense.

explain separate public restrooms.

it's not diatribe or phobia, it's reality. why should gays get special rights to look at my private parts? it is a valid question.

and nobody here said they opposed it, unless i missed something.
Dude, that is the most retarted line of reasoning I have ever heard.

How does letting homosexuals openly serve in our armed forces equate to giving them 'special rights to look at your private parts'?

I don't have an explanation for separate public restrooms, but do we have separate public restrooms for gay men and straight men? Or gay women and straight women? Again, I do not even understand what you are asking.

Care to explain the sentiment in your previous posts, besides that you oppose ending DADT? Or did I just miss an enormous amount of subtle irony/sarcasm in those posts?
Dude, that is the most retarted line of reasoning I have ever heard.

How does letting homosexuals openly serve in our armed forces equate to giving them 'special rights to look at your private parts'?

I don't have an explanation for separate public restrooms, but do we have separate public restrooms for gay men and straight men? Or gay women and straight women? Again, I do not even understand what you are asking.

Care to explain the sentiment in your previous posts, besides that you oppose ending DADT? Or did I just miss an enormous amount of subtle irony/sarcasm in those posts?

Almost as retarded as spelling retarded wrong when using it to question someone else's line of reasoning.

I think it's fairly obvious that straight men being forced to shower (at least we didnt have shower stalls when I was active duty) and cohabitate with openly gay men is no different than females being forced to shower and cohabitate with straight men.

It's completely fucked up because you cant even isolate them together because that is also like putting men and women together. The only way I can see it working is to put gay men and gay women together, that's the only way to take the sexual tension out of the situation. Create isolated units, kind of like the Tuskegee airmen. We could even try injecting them with syphilis, just to see what happens.<kidding>
I can't even pass it off as bad typing, because T and D are too far apart. Fuck! I guess I am wrong....

But seriously, are you that homophobic?

Would you even be allowed to express your dissent if you were currently serving and Gates favored abolishing DADT?

I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would oppose letting a willing soldier serve. Unless of course that soldier was an Eskimo, in which case, fuck no!
Almost as retarded as spelling retarded wrong when using it to question someone else's line of reasoning.

I think it's fairly obvious that straight men being forced to shower (at least we didnt have shower stalls when I was active duty) and cohabitate with openly gay men is no different than females being forced to shower and cohabitate with straight men.

It's completely fucked up because you cant even isolate them together because that is also like putting men and women together. The only way I can see it working is to put gay men and gay women together, that's the only way to take the sexual tension out of the situation.
Precisely the words I was looking for, and once again Loco, you've stolen them from me. :clap:
Great solution, but I believe 'separate but equal' is something Americans have disqualified before as unconstitutional. I personally think this is an expression of your homophobia or gay-bashing. Especially when Robert FUCKING Gates says it is a good idea, as well as other top brass.
First let me say I think it is great, anyone should be allowed to join the military.

what bothers me is when people use this phrase "But seriously, are you that homophobic? " , it's a total non-starter, kinda like are you a racist?

I was in the military before DADT and there were gays in the companies I was in. But the abusive gays were removed from units to PROTECT THEM. Before the Redneck - drunk - on drugs - guys with guns got them.

Our society has changed a lot since Vietnam, lessons learned.

I say give them a chance at change.

Peace - :joint::peace:
explain separate public restrooms.

it's not diatribe or phobia, it's reality. why should gays get special rights to look at my private parts? it is a valid question.

and nobody here said they opposed it, unless i missed something.

Dude, they would have to WANT to look at your private parts. That would be very unlikely. Especially when you need a microscope to see it, and a micrometer to measue it. :hump::hump::lol::lol::lol:
What I do not understand is why people look at SERVING in our armed forces as an entitlement. Last I checked, serving is something you do for your Country, not something you do for yourself. If your presence is going to present a problem or create difficulty why would one want to join?

Having to shower and change clothes in front of others who will be thinking of you sexually makes most people uncomfortable. How this can be seen as anything other than sexual harassment is beyond me. And we need to stop with these myths about how private Gays are with their sexuality. I have seen Gays flaunt their sexuality in a harassing manner toward other men many times. I had a gay boss at one job - he and his little boyfriends were very aggressive with their gay relations. One guy called for him and refused to identify himself using his name insisting that I tell the boss his "partner" is on the phone. I told him some guy is calling and won't give his name. The point, I can only assume, was to force me to acknowledge their relationship. The same guy had another boyfriend that was his right hand man. The guy did nothing but screwed around all day with impunity because he was the boss' bitch. And the two would peek around the corner at me and giggle like a couple of school girls. I have more examples.

Now I'm sure not "all of them" (as Libes are so fond of saying) do this kind of stuff, but don't buy the BS that none of them do.
I can't even pass it off as bad typing, because T and D are too far apart. Fuck! I guess I am wrong....

But seriously, are you that homophobic?

Would you even be allowed to express your dissent if you were currently serving and Gates favored abolishing DADT?

I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would oppose letting a willing soldier serve. Unless of course that soldier was an Eskimo, in which case, fuck no!

since when did "morals" become homophobia?

still have yet to say "i oppose it".

you seem to be arguing with yourself. carry-on. :joint::joint:
i dont think the average GI gives a crap either way.

gay guy looks at cock in the shower the straight guys say, "yo quit looking at my dick or i will kcik the crap out of ya". gay guy still looks at his sausage. straight guy kicks the crap out of him. is this a hate crime?

if the answer to that is yes, then dont change the current law. if the answer is no the fag deserved to get his ass kicked for peekin at cock and taking 45 minute showers....then i am okay with changing the law.

gay or straight you are expected to be held to a high standard and respect fellow servicemembers. staring at someones cock is not respectful. can you imagine a commander having to deal with bullshit like that? yikes. its complicated issue for sure but i think the military will handle it fine.
i dont think the average GI gives a crap either way.

gay guy looks at cock in the shower the straight guys say, "yo quit looking at my dick or i will kcik the crap out of ya". gay guy still looks at his sausage. straight guy kicks the crap out of him. is this a hate crime?

if the answer to that is yes, then dont change the current law. if the answer is no the fag deserved to get his ass kicked for peekin at cock and taking 45 minute showers....then i am okay with changing the law.

gay or straight you are expected to be held to a high standard and respect fellow servicemembers. staring at someones cock is not respectful. can you imagine a commander having to deal with bullshit like that? yikes. its complicated issue for sure but i think the military will handle it fine.

now the real conversation begins, .... :clap:

couldn't really give them their own barracks or it becomes segregation.

big can of worms.

Anybody nervous about another man having a peek at his doodle should steer clear of the military.

And locker rooms.

And the doctor's office.

And the men's restroom.

In fact, if one is overly concerned with disrobing around other men he should probably just stay home.
Anybody nervous about another man having a peek at his doodle should steer clear of the military.

And locker rooms.

And the doctor's office.

And the men's restroom.

In fact, if one is overly concerned with disrobing around other men he should probably just stay home.

so why can't ladies use mens bathrooms? :roll:
mines kinda small. :hug:

seriously though, ...

you can't mix people of differing sexual preferences into situations where they will be naked together. whether they be straight or gay.

though when i watched GI Jane, she showered with the boys.


i'm not the one who keeps bringing up the "fear of gays". though i keep getting referred to as a homophobe.

projecting maybe? ;-)
gay guy looks at cock in the shower the straight guys say, "yo quit looking at my dick or i will kcik the crap out of ya". gay guy still looks at his sausage. straight guy kicks the crap out of him. is this a hate crime?

That's what I'm sayin man. All these people are talking about "oh no, he might look at my penis and be turned on!". These are grown men and women. In the military. In the US military. Methinks they can handle the situation.

And RickWhite, if you honestly believe that ANY drill seargant would put up with the (anecdotal) crap you described, shame on you for not knowing better and having more faith in our armed forces than that.

We've got the biggest, baddest, toughtest, meanest military in the world. And some of us are worried if they'll be able to handle the fucking shower room......

....get real.
Because the average men's room is filthy compared to a ladies' room.

And men's rooms have urinals.

Hate to break the news, but I have some friends who are janitors. Although you might expect women to be neater, fact is they are not (when it comes to public bathrooms). I will not go into details. Suffice to say that guys are gross pigs, and the gals are really gross pigs. :spew:

None of which has anything to do with the subject at hand. Also, sorry to say that no gay guy is going to be that interested in your cock. For cryin out loud, get over it! :wall:
