Time to End "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

Realize that OPENLY gay means ACTING gay. How does that increase military efficiency.

No one runs around saying they are openly heterosexual in the military....so why do we need to have ppl floating around saying their gay?

It's counter productive.
Can you imagine a pink and lavender camouflage color scheme? :lol:
thanks for the pat on the back but let me make few more points.

i dont know what will happen when they lift DADT. quite possibly and most likely nothing will change.

my problem is with who is driving this bus. this isnt a bunch of normal soldiers who happen to like cock (i know, i have a way with words) this is your hard core leftist gays who want to disrupt the military.

may turn out to be no big deal. :eyesmoke:

Jeff, Jeff, Jeff, Jeff, Jeff, Jeff, Jeff. I know gays, I know leftist gays. Hell, I would want to be running through the battlefield screaming while waving my panty hose in the air (while listening to "It's Raining Men" on my I-Pod). All the while imploring the enemy "Now stop it you guys! Can't we all just get along??"

You are a prime example of Right-Wing lies and hate. Just spew some hate in a semi-believable manner and the chip-imbedded, teabag clones will fall right in line. Rush does it, Coulture does it.

Any decent person on here sees you for who you are. With morally bankrupt views like yours, ultra right-wing conservatism will never gain much favor.:finger:
Jeff, Jeff, Jeff, Jeff, Jeff, Jeff, Jeff. I know gays, I know leftist gays. Hell, I would want to be running through the battlefield screaming while waving my panty hose in the air (while listening to "It's Raining Men" on my I-Pod). All the while imploring the enemy "Now stop it you guys! Can't we all just get along??"

You are a prime example of Right-Wing lies and hate. Just spew some hate in a semi-believable manner and the chip-imbedded, teabag clones will fall right in line. Rush does it, Coulture does it.

Any decent person on here sees you for who you are. With morally bankrupt views like yours, ultra right-wing conservatism will never gain much favor.:finger:

seroulsy dude, what the fuck are you talking about. incase you can read, which is doubtful at this point, I AM ON YOUR FUCKING SIDE.

dude, get over your gayness. we NORMAL heteros dont give a shit.

did you have a lot of problems getting through school? :wall:
seroulsy dude, what the fuck are you talking about. incase you can read, which is doubtful at this point, I AM ON YOUR FUCKING SIDE.

dude, get over your gayness. we NORMAL heteros dont give a shit.

did you have a lot of problems getting through school? :wall:
Well he did label me as a right wing aplogist. :-?
It seems like every issue regarding Gays comes down to straight people not giving a shit and Gays just insisting on making it an issue.

Gays in the military - we say no big deal just don't make a spectacle of yourself. This isn't good enough for them - they want the the new uniforms to include ass-less chaps.

Gays want to get married, we say do what you want but the rest of us are keeping marriage the way it is. This isn't good enough - we all have to recognize their ways.

It seems like for people who argue that it is nobodies business what two consenting adults do in private, they sure try hard to make it public. Maybe they didn't get enough attention as children or something. I mean, who the hell spends a good portion of their life fighting for the right to publicly pronounce their sexuality? I don't know any straight people that do this, so why do gays find it so necessary?
So, why do some of the straight guys assume the gay guys are gonna be drooling over their parts?Is there a sudden shortage of other gay guys who are actually willing?I think not.
Women and men don't shower together because there are different hygienic needs-but it probably also has something to do with the possibility of pregnancy.I dunno. If women and men did have to shower together,does that mean the men and women would automatically look at one another in a sexual manner?What if they're all really unattractive?Do you straight guys actually look at every single woman you see as a sexual partner?Of course not.
I think it's really kind of about fear...a fear of one's self. If a gay guy looks at you,does it mean he saw something gay in you?What if he hits on you?Can't you just inform him that you're not interested?Are you afraid the gay is going to rub off?Are you afraid you might say yes?:roll:
Doc, Jeff, and Rick. You are not anybody's side but your own. Go get your Lexus, mow down some granny's and homeless folks, toast each other's success with some Dom Perignon, while you figure out the next way to screw the working man/women while at the say time making them a slave to your dogma. Someday payback might be a bitch.

And as always, let the eternal light of happiness and bliss shine brightly upon you. x x x o o o
So, why do some of the straight guys assume the gay guys are gonna be drooling over their parts?Is there a sudden shortage of other gay guys who are actually willing?I think not.
Women and men don't shower together because there are different hygienic needs-but it probably also has something to do with the possibility of pregnancy.I dunno. If women and men did have to shower together,does that mean the men and women would automatically look at one another in a sexual manner?What if they're all really unattractive?Do you straight guys actually look at every single woman you see as a sexual partner?Of course not.
I think it's really kind of about fear...a fear of one's self. If a gay guy looks at you,does it mean he saw something gay in you?What if he hits on you?Can't you just inform him that you're not interested?Are you afraid the gay is going to rub off?Are you afraid you might say yes?:roll:

Stoney, I'm all for gay rights, but not when it comes to the military. It's a distraction, and the military needs focus...

It's not a place for social experimentation. It's a place where we either win or lose wars. I'm not saying gays will lose us a war, but how can it possibly help?

Those should be the parameters ... it doesn't add to military effectiveness.
The Romans were one of the most effective armies in the world,and sex between soldiers was commonplace.Samurais enjoyed same sex love affairs amongst one another,and even held these relationships in higher regard than traditional man-woman couplings in some cases. Didn't affect their ability to julienne folks with their big swords.
Some folks might have used your arguments before the civil war,citing blacks as a distraction.Or how about women in the military?Before the late 40's, they couldn't occupy "active" positions in the military.They had to be nurses,or occupy other non-combat positions. Lots of men thought a woman fighting alongside men would be a distraction as well....turns out they were wrong. I'm gonna venture a guess and say when you're actively trying to avoid being killed,sex is probably the last thing on your mind.:peace:
Stoney, I'm all for gay rights, but not when it comes to the military. It's a distraction, and the military needs focus...

It's not a place for social experimentation. It's a place where we either win or lose wars. I'm not saying gays will lose us a war, but how can it possibly help?

Those should be the parameters ... it doesn't add to military effectiveness.
There are always vast differences between any army in the modern world. You could square that easily if you travel time and cherry pick previous armies from completely different cultures.

The bottom line is most of the brass historically does NOT want it. The military isn't a social experiment, and it isn't a reflection of our society.

They don't want it and it shouldn't be forced upon them. We hamstring them enough as it is.
Stoney McFried, thank you for stating so succinctly what I have been angrily rousing about in incoherent fragments for about 20 posts.

CrackerJax, how does it increase our military effectiveness to have less soldiers? Again, any officer worth his salt needs to run an efficient unit, openly gay soldiers or not.
The military is a reflection of our society. To state otherwise is complete lunacy.

And this isn't about a 'social experiment', this is about letting someone admit who they are. Arguments against it sound eerily similar to the ones we heard about letting women and blacks into the army.

And I had no idea about the Samurais. Good piece of knowledge. They weren't the only ones ever to hold man man relationships in higher regard than man woman relationships. And only the 'receiver' was considered homosexual. Funny how definitions of this stuff changes all the time.
So, why do some of the straight guys assume the gay guys are gonna be drooling over their parts? because they do.

Is there a sudden shortage of other gay guys who are actually willing?I think not. does it matter if i'm gay? my penis still looks just as good.

Women and men don't shower together because there are different hygienic needs-but it probably also has something to do with the possibility of pregnancy. WAIT. WHAT???

I dunno. If women and men did have to shower together,does that mean the men and women would automatically look at one another in a sexual manner? YES

What if they're all really unattractive? this is determined AFTER you have already looked. too late at that point.

Do you straight guys actually look at every single woman you see as a sexual partner? at first, sometimes.

Of course not. wrong.

I think it's really kind of about fear...a fear of one's self. If a gay guy looks at you,does it mean he saw something gay in you? no, it means he has invaded my "private space". to me it's about boundaries. i don't like straight guys looking at my junk either.

What if he hits on you? i tell him i'm not interested.

Can't you just inform him that you're not interested? see above.

Are you afraid the gay is going to rub off? there is no fear involved.

Are you afraid you might say yes? no.


when i'm visiting my buddy i accidentally walk in on his wife changing. she is nekked. she screams "EEK!!" and covers herself.

why does she cover herself?
does she think i'm gonna rape her?

Well, religion shouldn't be forced upon them, either,but the god folks sure do seem to be rampant in the armed forces.Some of the oaths still have phrases like,"So help me god,"in them as well.Don't ask, don't tell should also apply to personal spiritual beliefs as well.It's ridiculous to refuse to allow someone to serve in the military just because their personal beliefs don't coincide with yours-whether that refers to religion or sexuality. Why can't they just be soldiers?Why does a gay person make worse cannon fodder than a straight person?
The military isn't a social experiment...it is a collection of citizens who have enlisted in order to serve their country.Since all citizens are equal under the law, all citizens should have the opportunity to serve if they so choose.The same rules apply to them as to any other soldier-and the same consequences apply if they violate those rules. You can get in a lot of trouble if you sexually harass another soldier, regardless of their sex. Gay people have no less self control than straight people.If they are serious about a career in the military,why would they jeopardize it by telling some homophobe his ass is cute?:peace:
There are always vast differences between any army in the modern world. You could square that easily if you travel time and cherry pick previous armies from completely different cultures.

The bottom line is most of the brass historically does NOT want it. The military isn't a social experiment, and it isn't a reflection of our society.

They don't want it and it shouldn't be forced upon them. We hamstring them enough as it is.

Maybe she thinks you're going to JUDGE her.:shock:
when i'm visiting my buddy i accidentally walk in on his wife changing. she is nekked. she screams "EEK!!" and covers herself.

why does she cover herself?
does she think i'm gonna rape her?

i think it's more along the lines of the morals that were instilled upon her as a child. decency and respect kinda things. :wink:
Yeah, I got my share of "morals" instilled as a child, too.I was told never to date out of my race,that homosexuals were bad,that premarital sex made you a slut.I got over that.:lol:
i think it's more along the lines of the morals that were instilled upon her as a child. decency and respect kinda things. :wink: