time to flower?

eyes ableed

Well-Known Member
is it time for us to flower?? me and my friend are arguing should we flower now or wait to flower. the seed was started on april first but its a little small. it will be flowering under 4 x 13watt t5's and 8 23 watt cfls? ... 3 64 watts if they fit also. but should we wait till it gets bigger or flower now.?



Active Member
is it time for us to flower?? me and my friend are arguing should we flower now or wait to flower. the seed was started on april first but its a little small. it will be flowering under 4 x 13watt t5's and 8 23 watt cfls? ... 3 64 watts if they fit also. but should we wait till it gets bigger or flower now.?
beautiful plant but yeah a little small for 2 months veg...! post some details about soil, nutes, ph, temps, lights if you have them... I think you might have to fix something!

About flowering you can start whenever you want - the later you start the bigger the plant/buds


Well-Known Member
how much room you got? cuz its gonna about triple in size after you put it into flowering, so if space is an issue you need to take that into account too.
you are all go on flowering. just hope your grow space is not the size it seems in the first pic! if so, your gonna run out of room QUICK. that baby of yours is gonna blow up once you go 12-12.


Well-Known Member
is it time for us to flower?? me and my friend are arguing should we flower now or wait to flower. the seed was started on april first but its a little small. it will be flowering under 4 x 13watt t5's and 8 23 watt cfls? ... 3 64 watts if they fit also. but should we wait till it gets bigger or flower now.?
is that the space where its staying? if so, start flowering last week. and thats alotta light i hope you have good air exchange to keep it cool in there.

eyes ableed

Well-Known Member
24 days flowering update sorry forgot about this thread , 273 watts 2 28 watts t5s and rest are cfls. tell me hows she looking.



Well-Known Member
she looks alright, If you can you should take those cfls that are hanging vertically over the top and hang them horizontal since the middle of the cfl is where most of the light is from.


Well-Known Member
To me our plants look kinda similar. Here is a pic of my Blue Dream mother in flower, plan to cut 3-4 of the 14 bud sites to make more clones. 2 weeks(yesterday) into flower, 1 week in that grow closet with double the wattage(416) from vegg-box.



just got a bigger tent... growlab 80. and i threw a 250 watt metal halide on top of the cfls. pictures coming soon

eyes ableed

Well-Known Member
btw 3 gallon pot
fox farm ocean forest threw out most of veg
techna flora organic bloom flowering
Greenhouse seeds white widow.... nicesttttt buds ive personally seen but then again ive never seen buds with my eyes
100% organic first time indoor grow think were at 12 tops you cant see 2 because there smaller then the towering ones
we used that mh for like 4 mayb 5 days max in hours of light that is, so unless your one of those its been cfls from the start besides a month germing outdoors and very very tiny veg growth( like 4 inches when i gave it to krizy may 2nd)
were at 332 watts now 2 x 68 watt, 4 x 42 watt, 1 x 28 watt.

Techniques used: krizzy topped once, then we applied 2 attempts at what were pretty shitty suppercroppings. Tied them down with the green plant ties and threw out veg and flower i defoliated heavily even though that pic might not look it, its lost 80-90% of the big fan leaves. Gotta say for are first time growing im pretty dam impressed i guess my year or 2 of stalking grow journals and techniques from all you guys has finally payed off

eyes ableed

Well-Known Member
You guys think we should harvest the branches individually as they reach peek maturity(or is it supposed to be bud by bud) or should we completely turn the lights off at day 70 for 24-36 hours to get more crystals? and i guess since were on the topic would putting it in complete darkness the last 2 weeks be detrimental cause i heard you get 25% of the final weight from the last 2 weeks of flowering but these are all just things i heard and want to see which is best to apply for potency and weight


Well-Known Member
what do you mean by defoliate? was it you or the other person who did that? Because that gonns hurt that plant and stunt its growth very badly


Well-Known Member
the plant needs light, a 2 week dark period will badly damage or just plain kill them and your yeild will be drastically reduced. It's true the last few weeks are when the buds gain most of their mass.

eyes ableed

Well-Known Member
oooo alright, yea ive literally been defoliating the whole time i think i saw the thread on icmag but it seems to be working to my advantage for now, ive done it gradually the plants seed was cracked april 1st so its had a while to get threw all the defoliation, the fan leaves on anything with bud have all remained i would never take a leaf from a bud in a million years while its growing only fan leaves hopefully ill be able to state the yield by september.
The 4th pic is what it looked like 5 6 days ago so its almost as if the plant looks like it still has all its fan leaves but there all just bud sites with the exception of a few fan leaves here and there


Well-Known Member
ouch, that hurts man. I'm sorry for your loss dude, defoliating the plant just takes away vital energy making leaves, the bigger a leaf is the more efficient it is and the more energy is made and stored there. Icmg is not a good place to get your info from. I see people on their give terrible advice and/or try to promote something thats just plain not true and then we have to break the bad news to the people who followed that advice. I guarantee you the plant would be doing much much much much better and be much much much much bigger if you had not cut off any fan leaves. oh well, at least you learned something from the mistake and wont do it again. if you absolutely insist on doing something with the big fan leaves tie them out of the way, but thats pointless, heres something ALOT of people dont know, when the light hits those top leaves it doesnt all stop, it continues down to the leaves under it. only about 15% of it it absorbed i believe, im going to go look for uncle bens post about this, he knows alot more than i do.


Well-Known Member
24 days flowering update sorry forgot about this thread , 273 watts 2 28 watts t5s and rest are cfls. tell me hows she looking.
Man that doesn't even look like the same plant, that old one was so short & bushy with indica traits, the new pics are showing me sativa characteristics & it's stretched quite a bit.