time to flower?

eyes ableed

Well-Known Member
alright ill take your word for it then i guess my nig krizzy was right, and its weird as fuck that the leaves changed the way they did it was literally the typical indica plant for id say atleast till late may but once i started defoliating i removed all the fan leaves off the bottom that were thick and meaty to compensate for the small grow lab tent we were using.also my reason for defoliation was the space i was in i didnt want just top potent buds i was trying the fatten up the lower popcorn nugs to get more potency all around. dark to each there own from what i saw the plant literally stretched out which was good look at pic one say i didnt defoliate it wouldve been a short bush the plant had 13 nodes going up the stem and it was a foot high that to me seemed like crap so i slowly started taking fan leaves of which when i show you guys the finished pics youll see how many nodes were actually removed. The point is i would been stuck with a bush of popcorn mayb 3 4 chunky tops but i ended up with 13 tops not the previously stated 12 all which are getting pretty damn chunky. And when i started my original 15 which was in my guerrila thread 8 made it due to some complications but i didnt defoliate because they were getting the strong sunlight so i had no reason but cfls can only penetrate so far so i worked with what i had, and for you to understand better this plant was the worst out of my white whidow, himilaya gold, and big bang so to have grown it as big as it has its an accomplishment. And i used the moon to transplant using my farmers almanac( very good if your going to be transplanting outdoors btw). The pics say it all that first pic we took was the day we took it, look at it now and tell me thats not an amazing plant for a first time grow indoors and 2nd time growing(never seeing buds till this). If i had no fucking deer problems my holes amended with greensand, blood meal, fish bone meal, alfalfa pellets, powdered dolomite lime, soft rock phosphate,beneficial nematodes, 1 bag ofPro-mix organic potting soil per hole, 25lbs of earthworm castings to each hole, pure by organicare granular, and dr earths all purpose fert id have something to back it up but no i got nothing now so i cant actually show my knowledge of growing, and for your own feedback look at masterhemp and rombombs responses (it dosnt even look like the same plant)

eyes ableed

Well-Known Member
And btw saying that shit about icmag isnt really cool its all the same shit bro if it helps some one out you should be happy about it were all in it together and were all here to help each other out hating on a forum is just low of you as a person, yes if i said grasscity sure you got me but common ive seen many professional grows on icmag as i have here on rollitup, i just prefer rollitup bc i started off checking things out half a year before i made my account so i feel more comfortable here. Your telling me there hasnt been advice given by people with no clue of what there saying her on riu.... pleaseeee


Well-Known Member
the thread on the other site about defoliation is well worth looking at, some experienced growers ran some tests towards end of thread and did get positive results /iincreased yields thru defoliation,i allways thought it was a bad idea but after reading the full thread might have to think again

eyes ableed

Well-Known Member
cool to hear that dude i just never like knocking on someones grow its literally like saying something to your bitch (no pun intended ; ) but daviaces im telling bro try it out youll def be happy seeing more of the bud your plants actually got
And for my nigger krizzy

told you


Well-Known Member
I see alot of bad info on/from icmag, that what i was saying. sorry if i said it in an offensive way, that was not my intention. It's really a matter of understanding basic botany, I dont know why people always think that the people who are against defoliating never tried it themselves just because we try to explain basic botany to them as well. No offense meant to anyone, do what you want. It wont effect my plants at all so it doesnt really matter to me, I wish you all the best of grows, but im done with this thread I think.

eyes ableed

Well-Known Member
Alright i wish you the best, my bad i bugged. I can understand what you ment i didnt strip the plant of every leaf im just saying ive removed more then my share of handfulls like alottt alottt of leaves cause it was simply like a fucking bush with leafs every single place