Time to flush first grow?

Yeah Right

Active Member
First grow. One plant, 3x3 closet, pretty much low buck but mostly organic. FF Happy Frog soil, FF liquid trio of nutes. 2 68w CFL spirals in round reflectors. One 42w CFL in a similar reflector for side lighting. All lights are 2700k. I'm nearing what I'm fairly sure is the 6th week of flowering. I know, I'm keeping a journal next time. I started feeding blackstrap molasses 4 weeks ago with every other watering at the rate of 1 tsp per gallon. From what I can tell, based on reading and looking at pics she's pulling N from the lower fan leaves as if it were fall. Pretty much just the big fan leaves, slowly over the last few days. I know there's resin, but not a ton as I've got like 170w of light. Anyone care to comment as to how close I am to needing to flush before harvest? I'm thinking several days as I intend to feed water only for the last two weeks. Am I there yet? Not sure what strain, bag seed.


Yeah Right

Active Member
Water only from here on out. As you can tell, I've had some and still do have some issues. First grow, I've learned a ton, that will be applied going forward. The plan is to harvest in two weeks. I know she's N deficient, and it probably will cost me some yield. I'd rather that than have harsh smoke. Even though, I'm done feeding per se, will the buds continue to swell? Will there be more trichromes? The bucket is a 3 gallon pail picked up from the dollar store.



Well-Known Member
yes the buds will swell a bit and put on more trichs,i also notice an increse in smell with some plants as well


Well-Known Member
My GOD! CFL's ??? i also work with CFL's and im on my first grow :) im happy to see your tastylookin buds hellow!
nice work man, really nice

Yeah Right

Active Member
And that's with TONS of errors. The next grow will be much better I can assure you. I used 2 68w CFLs over head and one 42w side fill. FFHF soil and their liquid nute trio. Just pay attention and give them what they need. I know for a fact the mistakes I made cost me yield. This was an experiment for me personally to see if I wanted to pursue growing for personal use. Mainly before I spent a ton of cash. Now that I've got a bit of personal discovery behind me, let the games begin.