Well-Known Member
Show me an old good looking junkie and I'll agree. No such thing as an old junkie.eek lahada you need to have a soft spot or an angry one with this subject.
not every junkie is a whore, or has stds , and not every junkie looks ugly with bad teeth
If she is at the point of injecting to get her fix, then how do you suppose she can support her habit which now has a higher tolerance?
This isn't a $20 a day habit after work type thing. Her whole day revolves around it.
There's no mention that she hasn't shared needles or taken a Hep test.
She's started a relationship based on lies and shows little remorse to fix up and go on a rehab course. If the OP wasn't seriously considering ending it over this then he wouldn't have started the thread. Not too many people have said to stay with her.
OP, just ask yourself this:- How do you feel about introducing her to your parents/family ? What would they think?