Time to make some opium!

thes topics are too secret to post due to shortages and too much attention riunin the party, but where there is a will there is a way, googlee
ok guys time for an update. I have mastered the formula to do opium regularly and never suffer from widthdrawls at all what so ever

first I will let you know that since we last chatted I have since gotten a divorce and got my own place with my new G/F.

I think opium helped me see the light of how bad my marrige was,

Now for the full proof formula to enjoy opium regularly without getting any widthdrawl.

you just follow this simple rule and never break it and you will be living happy high on the hog:

wait 2 full days of no pod tea in bettween your your dosing days and you will never get the widthrawls ever, its fail safe and the best development I have come too in my drug expirimentation

its amazing just 2 days and you cool.

this is a very powerful and important revelation to those who know the glory of the opium

This is what I've heard too. (Sorry P, I know this is an old post, been a while since I've been on.) If you can score some blood pressure meds you'll be straight altogether.
cool man,

ya the 2 day thing is the bee's nee's

lol unfortunatly I have slipped into doing it every other day now again lol

so needless to say im at work right now cold wet and clamy countin the min's till i can go home and take my "every other day" dose which falls on today, but as u can see the not waiting 2 days is causing me to overlap and get withdrawls

ima do a new experiment before i wean myself back to puttin 2 days in between doses,

tonight I will only drink 1/2 my usual dose and use the following to see if it potentiates my high making it better. therefore reducing my intake of actuall opium. If anything this will atleast reduce the amount of money i spend on the pods

1 hr before drinking the tea i will:

1) Drink a tall glass of white grapfruit juice from concentrate
2) Take a benydryl
3) drink a tall glass of tonic water
4) swallow 2 extra strength tums.
We have a saying in my language, Hoe later hoe kwater, which basicaly translates to (very badly) how later how angrier....
I'd deal with this monkey on your back before it gets any bigger.

Damn bro, hope you're alright still! I think the grapefruit juice alone would have been enough for ya!

Ya it worked out good, it makes it take like forever to kick in but i couldnt even sleep till like 5 am and i had to work the next day at 9

So it streches the high out much longer, i slept 3 hours woke up at 8, felt like ive had 12 hours of sleep with lots of energy

I always kick ass at work the day after ive dosed too lol