Time to Panic?


Well-Known Member
And another thing Shwagbag, your profile pic looks spot on exactly like my girfriends ass, you got to change it man, its driving me crazy, everytime i see it i just wana go bone my girlfriend from behind! God damn you Shwagbag you need to stop posting such sexual images and grow up, whats wrong with a picture of a marijuana plant or somthing! I'm sorry this isn't constructive in any way but hey man just stop doing that!lol
Pics or your lying.


Well-Known Member
Bleedmaize i aint got to prove nothing! Get your own girlfriend! As for watering, i only water the soil round seedlings and not the whole pot and wait for the pot to get very light, even to the point when the leaves wilt due to no water and water then. If its in a big pot it will take longer time for soil to dry out in between waterings, if it takes too long then you will experience over watering. Pot size is important too! Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Hey its nice to see that your plant are coming back strong... i wanted to suggest that maybe puttin a small fan on or above ur lights to lower temps
ive got a pc grow im working on i have an out put fan above my lights keeps 'em really cool and it gets that all the hot air that builds up at the top outta there

good luck man



Plants are coming back. I have added a fan to help and will add another soon for an intake. I now am seeing what a healthy plant looks like and how they should be maintained. Now how and when will I know the plants are ready for nutes? What is some of the criteria you look for to know the plants are looking for them? Also, the leaves on top are growing faster than the ones on the lower nodes, should I place a light to the side of the plant so those leaves get more light? And as always, thanks for the feedback to all of RIU. You guys are kick-ass...

Photo Apr 25, 2 06 01 PM.jpgPhoto Apr 25, 2 05 40 PM.jpgPhoto Apr 25, 2 05 51 PM.jpg


New Member
hey bro thats some improvement of first pics :clap:
side light is always good to have to get to lower parts


Plants are coming back. I have added a fan to help and will add another soon for an intake. I now am seeing what a healthy plant looks like and how they should be maintained. Now how and when will I know the plants are ready for nutes? What is some of the criteria you look for to know the plants are looking for them? Also, the leaves on top are growing faster than the ones on the lower nodes, should I place a light to the side of the plant so those leaves get more light? And as always, thanks for the feedback to all of RIU. You guys are kick-ass...

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Well-Known Member

Plants are coming back. I have added a fan to help and will add another soon for an intake. I now am seeing what a healthy plant looks like and how they should be maintained. Now how and when will I know the plants are ready for nutes? What is some of the criteria you look for to know the plants are looking for them? Also, the leaves on top are growing faster than the ones on the lower nodes, should I place a light to the side of the plant so those leaves get more light? And as always, thanks for the feedback to all of RIU. You guys are kick-ass...

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You could top them or train the plants to control height and get some more production from the lower nodes. Looking much better!


Well-Known Member
Did i hear you say when to add nutes!!! Dude the answer to this is not for a few weeks yet unless you want to be back on here asking why your plants are dying again!lol! Seriously though forget the nutes, you already fertilized em for few weeks by giving them new soil. You have cracked the overwatering problem and hell yeah your plants look stunning, vibrant and green, dont overwater again and ingrain this information into every grow. As for nutes dont need em for few weeks, maybe not even till the flowering and the first sign of nute def in veg is yellow bottom leaves that go a very light white yellow, limp and fall of, similar to the overwatering but noticably different as nitrogen deficiency. Your plants will tell you when and even in soil you don't have to panic as it takes a while from first noticing it to it actually causing the plant problems. Growing in soil is laid back once you know how and i feel that you have learnt one of the most valuable lessons with overwatering, get the watering right in good soil and everyday you will see growth and have a big fat smile on your face.

Side lighting wont do much here with these small plants, best hang every light over it at this point unless you got real big plants. You could top them at this point but id give it a week or two to grow happy and strong before you next stress it by topping it. Wow you really have turned your whole grow around with your new watering techniques, amazing how little love a plant in good soil needs. Well done!


Day 53

First off, thanks Kingrow1 for the info; took your advice and waited until I saw the signs you mentioned. I have begun feeding my plants again with a mixture of 1/4 TSP of Jacks and molasses from a 1Gal container. The plants were real saggy when I first gave them the mixture and seem to of picked up once I gave it to them for the first couple days. Now again it seems that it is not enough, any suggestions?

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Well-Known Member
Hey dude you have really done well with the plants and reckon you won't have many problems with these early stages again, please remember what you did wrong and what you did to solve it i.e. no nuteing small plants rather repot to stronger soil and bigger pots. Your plants look hungry and in heinzsight you would have fertilized them before the problem had started, i like to start of with very low nutes just before i think the plant will need it and then build them up as the plant shows stronger growth. That size of plant will probably be filling that pot with roots and i know you think its small but they do have really big root systems. Pics look like classic nitrogen deficiency so just a normal grow fertilizer will work, mines like 10.4.6 NPK or somthing like that with calcium, magnesium and all the other trace elements. Just fertilize at your next watering with slightly stronger nutes than last time. Don't burn the plant , you know what that looks like, but don't be scared to feed it. Soil is a nightmare for recovery times from nute deficiency but nitrogen deficiency is relatively quick. Don't look for the deficient parts of the plant to recover but check to see that its not getting worse. Hopefully the plant in your case will go from limp to errect!lol! I really think you have done well to get to this point and others can advise futher, i am so happy that my and others advice helped as plants look great even with their present problems. I really do start my seedling in a small pot and quickly repot up to stronger soil when the first set or two of true leaves are almost formed and again quite quickly to an even bigger pot and this is just 5 weeks veg time. The roots sticking out the bottom of the container tell you a lot like when to repot and when it may need ferts, just the odd root here and there and the plant is not yet established in the container but lots of roots out of each hole in the bottom of the pot tells me it is looking to sell up and move somewhere bigger or that it has eaten most of the nutes in the soil and needs more.

Really at this stage may i draw your attention back to overwatering, always a threat for new growers and hard to tell between that and a lot of deficiencies. The soil must dry but not so that it is rockhard! People say water when it is dry top few inches but be carefull that the bottom of the pot isn't still wet, if it is and the top half is dry just introduce water to the top of the soil very slowly so that it only wets the top half and dosent drain to the bottom. Honestly the best trick with growing in pots i ever learned is to cultivate your soil after every watering, loosen the top layer with a spoon or fork and dig it all around, this helps the soil dry evenly, stops the soil crusting over and keeps the soil evenly moist.

I really am so pleased with your plants, done well and learnt a trick or two in the process. Well done dude.


Day 60

Plants have bounced back once again and are looking very good. I think I have a better understanding of the watering and fertilizing cycle of the plants now and can tell that these ladies are about to take off. I was hoping that they would be a little further along at day 60; is this because I started from seed or do they seem to be smaller than average? Also when would be the prime time to start taking cuttings of clones from these plants?



Day 84

It's be awhile since I posted and a lot has changed. The plants are a little over a foot tall now; I think/know that because I waited so long to upgrade the plants to 3gal pots (Day 75), their growth has been stunted. So the plants are looking nice and green but am unsure of what I am to do in the next couple weeks. How long would any one suggest that I keep vegging these plants? I was thinking about until they are 3 feet tall. I am also feeding them a mixture of Jacks Classic thats about 750 PPM; can the plants take more/should I give them more? Let me know what you guys think.

Photo Jun 12, 1 11 28 PM.jpgPhoto Jun 12, 1 11 14 PM.jpgPhoto Jun 12, 1 11 04 PM.jpg


Well-Known Member
Plants look nice dude, not overwatered either, ferts look spot on so don't change them yet, if any thing you could back of a little but who cares they look good. Do you check pH and ec?

Also since you have not posted on the thread and obviously gone off and done some growing i reckon you should recant your progress and changes to the grow since your last post.