time to re pot?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the clarification that makes much more sense now. I plan on starting there flower tonight. I don't want to end up having to cut open the bottom of my pots and placing a bag around them filled with soil so there roots have more space ;)

No worries, I really do appreciate the help and kind words. I do wish I left one in the three gallon but theres always next time :) haha.

Thanks for everyones input!

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
a good root structure is using almost all the soil in the pot instead of still having to grow into new soil. what u have is a good root structure. and also did you repot then throw straigh into flower or no.

and no offense takin, i wasnt tryi to offend anyone either, and i never said anyone on here was a newb grower just a newb to the site. and i still get reassurance all the time. im just tryinto help. like i said i was inthe same situation and realized i should have not transplanted them into the 5 gal. i hope the 5 gal works geat for you. i still think u should have left at least one in a 3 gal pot just to see what i mean.
There is some validity to keeping them in the 3 gal. throughout the grow. The reason I asked about the light set-up is to determine how far apart the plant would be from the light source after placing them in the bigger containers. I suppose I should have asked how many plants as well. I am not sure that a 400w HPS could support more 6 plants in 5 gal pots as their size alone would place them at fair distance and may affect yield/quality especially if they are a taller strain such as a heavily sativa-bred strain. Many container grown ornamental plants (not just cannabis) prefer to be somewhat root-bound and can actually thrive in that environment. Some of this is due to less stress from transplanting but, finding that happy medium before it is excessive can be tricky. Soil structure and composition are integral factors in determining what is the best balance. A plant grown in a gigantic 15 gal. pot with a heavy, largely clay based soil is unlikely to be nearly as healthy as a plant in a 2 gal. pot with rich, loamy well-drained soil with identical light, water and nutrients.


Well-Known Member
Well to answer a few of your questions carl spackler I am Growing five Purple Kush in bio terra plus soil and using the three part GH flora series nutrient line under a 400w HPS this combination has served me very well in the past. The reason I am asking about re potting is because I usually don't grow my plants to the size they are now, I usually flower them in three gallons but they are quite a bit bigger then i am used to.

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info SG... Since the Purple Kush strain is mostly indica it should stay at a manageable size with it's squat, bushy growth characteristics. I really don't think you could go wrong either way, re-pot or not especially with CFL's for additonal understory lighting. You may even try keeping 1 of them in the 3 gal.(or 1 re-potting into a 5) as a crude study to determine if it affects yield at harvest. They appear to be healthy, sturdy and vigorous so with care I don't think stress would be much of an issue. Ooops. Just read the earlier post and the photo does look they are already in 5s. Anyway looks like a well planned/executed grow so far.


Well-Known Member
Why did you choose to put them all in the same pot? I know its possible and people do it all the time but just wondered your reasoning or benefits from it

Because im thinking to do this on a next grow and lollipop all the plants so theres just fat main colas but i was thinkin thats why people do it, so theres more heads


Well-Known Member
oh no, There not all in the same pot thats a big no no! they all have there own individual 5 gallon pots. lots of room to stretch there feet!

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
I would tie them out if there was somewhere to pull them too! the canopy is pretty dense! there isn't too manny places the they could go as you can see haha.
Your going to be suprised how thin it will be at the end of flower. I have some nice buds on horizontal LSTd stems and they are under other plants fans.


Well-Known Member
Thats good to know Bonzi Lighthouse! I was worried the lower leaves were going to get completely shaded out!


Well-Known Member
I would tie them out if there was somewhere to pull them too! the canopy is pretty dense! there isn't too manny places the they could go as you can see haha.
if u cant lst i would get some CFL's and put them under neath and some on the side, if that is possible.


Well-Known Member
So I said I would keep you guys updated. I guess its been around.....18 days of flowering, the buds are starting to get nice and frosty :D but iv noticed the lower leaves starting to yellow... as if they have N deficiency. Im going to begin watering/feeding more frequently because I think Iv been waiting too long between feedings ( I water around ever 4-5 days, and there in a coco soil mix. I think thats too long between waterings...?? what do you guys think?). Anyways I attached a few photos with hopes that you guys could help me out on the yellowing leaves issue. Im fairly positive its N deficiency and more feeding will fix it but what do you guys think??



Well-Known Member
sneakerhead702 : So Salt build up in excess soil is the verdict? nothing a nice flushing wont fix.

still looking for some opinions on the yellowing leaves? any ideas?