time to re pot?


Well-Known Member
HarryCarey - If my soil is curently at 5.7 and I wanted to raise it to around 6.5 - 7 how would I go about calculating how much lime I would need If my plants are in 5 gallon pots?



Well-Known Member
Ya ph your water going in and coming out if your low on your drainage then just water in a little dolomite lime, just sprinkle on surface, this is a better more permanent fix than simply upping your in water, sorry I musta passed out the other day


Well-Known Member
Im slowly getting my PH under control by watering with PH adjusted tap water in-between my fertilized waterings. Still noticing some bottom leaves yellowing and dying......? I guess its normal during flowering its just really worrying me!!!!

Heres a few pics on how there coming along. How are they looking so far?

