time to sex myth? and sex verification..


Active Member
Hey all... so I've been growing a Sleetstack x Skunk#1 since my og kush fems haven't been doing well. Cut some clones less than a week ago and was hoping to root them and switch to see sex.*random note lol* This takes the cake for my best grow (only small grows and one decent grow) since I finally have a good setup and have some good nutes (using GH flora series)**. Anyways Its been about 37days into veg and hoping to switch to flowering since my plant is almost 13inches now... was only 11 less than 24 hours ago... (crazy)<-- since i just transplanted yesterday to a 3.5 gal bucket (was close to being root bound it seemed) and BAM... i noticed this2013-04-10_17-45-10_113.jpgthe stems are growing differently, heard of this a while back and was wondering if its true that this means you are ready to flower..

but than saw this
juguyguky.jpg..!!!! kind of made me **go crazy** since that looks almost like a sure sign of a female and I haven't even switch to 12/12 yet (did 20/4 from seed)...should I go ahead and switch to 12/12?

if it does turn out to be female.. i'd be very happy since its my only adult plant at the moment!
ANY comments or advice WELCOME!


Well-Known Member
you made your statement much more complicated than it had to be, but it was a good story well written :D

anyways you dont have to flower her yet but its a good sign that shes female, but it could also be a bad sign, sometime plants show flowers in reaction to stress, could be from when you cut those clones.

but if you got rooted clones of her, shit, flower her if its worth the space and wattage you gonna use to do so. if you need to wait for a couple more or for the plant to grow a little more to use the space better than wait.(keep in mind a flowering plant will double or even triple its size)


Well-Known Member
a plant will often show preflowers when it has matured enough to flower. Same with the alternating nodes(the stems growing different) just another indication that the plant is sexually mature. No 12/12 is needed for the plant to do this, 12/ 12 is needed to initiate flower. Preflowers will continue to grow, and die off, until the light hrs have allowed the plant to fully begin flower