Time to stop nutes? (pictures)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Seems a real mix of people saying to flush or not to flush. I take it from that people have had success either way so it's not worth worrying about.
Spot on.

I did lots of comparisson grows with identical genetics across soil, coco, and dwc. There was never any difference.


Well-Known Member
Seems a real mix of people saying to flush or not to flush. I take it from that people have had success either way so it's not worth worrying about. My plants are in 10L air plant pots with soil. It's bloody confusing how everyone contradicts each other, but the majority at least say to not give nutrients for the final week or so. According to the seedback's notes, I should only have a week left of flowering, and the plants look healthy, so I'll just carry on with the no feeding idea and just use water, but not flush.

According to the cannabis bible, the next stage would be to cut at the base, and hang for a out 3 weeks before I start the curing process. Any alternative suggestions from this, or is this the best way forward? Thanks again
There is not a fruit or vegetable in the world that is grown in soil or hydroponically that is "flushed" by commercial growers. That should tell you something.

https://www.rollitup.org/harvesting-curing/ There are some stickies here that should answer any questions you have about harvesting and curing.


I switched to 12/12 8 weeks ago tomorrow but that was actually before any pre-flowers existed. I had to force it as I knew if I didn't, it would outgrow the space. With that in mind, they've probably only been flowing for 6-7 weeks so maybe I'll give them more nutes for another week.


So, I'm now about 1.5 weeks after the last pictures. I just watered with no nutes for a few days and then after reading what some people have said, decided to give them some nutes for a few more days as the leaves are turning more and more pale yellow. The trichomes still look very cloudy white to me and I can't see any that have turned amber. What do you guys think? Still another week or so of growing?



Oh yeah, and I'm guessing the dark patched on the edges of the leaves in the third picture are nute burns?? I upped the nutes to what was suggested somewhere a couple of weeks back and although I got nice green leaves again, I also go this. Nute burn?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I just watered with no nutes for a few days and then after reading what some people have said, decided to give them some nutes for a few more days as the leaves are turning more and more pale yellow.
And this is why i never tell new growers to flush. It just causes them more issues than not.

Looking great though.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Not with time to dry out and cure.

No worries. It's only an arbitrary goal date.
there is no requirement to cure. There is no reason you cannot put it all in jars once dried but keep some out for christmas. weed can be smoked from the moment it is dried, curing just improves it.


Well-Known Member
OP.... P-A-T-I-E-N-C-E!!!!

Your plant is not ready to harvest.... Aren't you glad you did not pour copious amounts of water through your plant? It would be dead now from the flush?
Wait-wait-wait for your hairs to recede.... lots of nice fresh white hairs, as long as you see new white hairs your plant is not done making THC....
How are your Calyxes? When they swell up, two three four times the size and look like they will pop....
Then re check your Tric's for a few amber, as soon as you see amber.... you can chop....
If you can't wait...
and you got no patience....
Try this:

Cut Bud about 8-10" from top...
Get small micro wave safe bowl...with top
Put paper towel at bottom of bowl...
Trim Bud, cut stem away and off, stem catch fire in MW....sometimes if not careful....
Put Bud inside bowl, on paper towel...
Now put another damp paper towel on top of bowl...
And put lid just set on top of bowl on top of damp paper towel...
Now put bowl etc into microwave...
Set MW to 40% power...
Set timer to 30 seconds....
Watch it go round....
Sample it [squeeze it] at 15 seconds...
You may need multiple 30 second dries depends on how wet your MJ is...

Out of the MW taste will be not what it will be after cure...
However, the high will be about the same....
Good Luck....


I'm happy to wait. Well, maybe not happy but will wait until it's perfectly ready.

I'm not sure about the calyxes though. From my searches for pictures online, I can't see anything similar on my plants. So, they're either not swollen yet, or I'm just not seeing them. Can you see calyxes in the pictures posted?


Well-Known Member
She's beautiful, but she looks like she is about 2 weeks away from perfect. You could take her now, or wait until she improves just that last bit, imo.
Every harvest is just like Christmas anyway! :)


I'll wait. Thanks again everyone. I've ordered a loupe so will check the trichomes closely every couple of days. Still not sure about what the calyxes are and whether they're swollen or not but will look around some more


Well-Known Member
Some will disagree, but in my world I'm taking a few buds ( not the top colas ) now and letting the plant finish out, especially if i am going to be growing the same strain again. I'm going to document my harvest carefully, then decide if I should have taken those few buds at that time or were the buds I left growing a smoke that I care more for smoking. Plus you could dry and get a 2 week cure before Christmas.

She's a beauty in any case, nice grow.


OK, So I checked the plants over and some of the calyxes look nice and swollen. Whether they will get any bigger, I don't know but I'll check again each day now. Hopefully the loupe will arrive soon and then I can get a closer look at the trichomes.