Time to TURN THE PAGE - maybe?

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Well-Known Member
Do you love me more than baby ducks? How about more than baby owls? Look at the baby owls on youtube before you say yess, they are the cutest things in the whole world. But im still ok if you love me more.

FAK - those are pretty damn fucking cute.


Still love you MORE THOUGH...


Well-Known Member
I am not sure why you would want to rehash old stuff.
You have done a good job of pretending that you have moved on until now.
It is bad enough you flood this board with shitty posts.
Why do you have to go back to directing them at me?


Well-Known Member
I am not sure why you would want to rehash old stuff.
You have done a good job of pretending that you have moved on until now.
It is bad enough you flood this board with shitty posts.
Why do you have to go back to directing them at me?
Hey dude - I shut the fuck up (for the most part) whilst you slung disparaging comment after comment and continuously, and maliciously, tried to deconstruct my personality and make me feel bad about me.

It didn't work - but don't you let your Gimp ass think I'm not going to repay you with every single insult in turn.

It's only fair.

I just am not going to go all whacked out on a tirade like you. I'll keep my insults few and far between I'm sure. I don't think of you very often.

But when I do - you'll know it!

Go fuck yourself with something hard and sand-papery!


P.S. Trousers, your SHIT'S WEAK!

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Well-Known Member
Hey dude - I shut the fuck up (for the most part) whilst you slung disparaging comment after comment and continuously, and maliciously, tried to deconstruct my personality and make me feel bad about me.

It didn't work - but don't you let your Gimp ass think I'm not going to repay you with every single insult in turn.

It's only fair.

I just am not going to go all whacked out on a tirade like you. I'll keep my insults few and far between I'm sure. I don't think of you very often.

But when I do - you'll know it!

Go fuck yourself with something hard and sand-papery!


P.S. Trousers, your SHIT'S WEAK!



Well-Known Member
Hey dude - I shut the fuck up (for the most part) whilst you slung disparaging comment after comment and
You made a thread about how you want me to like you and it didn't go the way you wanted it to go.
You are unable to ignore me. I live in your head rent free. It is cramped and the view is crappy.

Just let it go Grasshopper.

continuously, and maliciously, tried to deconstruct my personality and make me feel bad about me.
I wasn't trying to make you feel bad, I was pointing out the obvious.
Right now you are exhibiting some of the negative traits that you possess that I pointed out.

It didn't work - but don't you let your Gimp ass think I'm not going to repay you with every single insult in turn.

It's only fair.
Repay me? lol I didn't know we were keeping score.
Go back and tally it up, you have a lot of work to do.

I just am not going to go all whacked out on a tirade like you.
Where did I do that? I would like to read it.

I'll keep my insults few and far between I'm sure. I don't think of you very often.
You think of me all the time. When you are at work,when you are driving, in the shower. You can not stop thinking about me and why I will not be one of your fans.

But when I do - you'll know it!
Oooooohh, are you going to post a meme or a video?
No wait, why not post the hurt feeling report.
That is a classic, such a zinger.
What if you made your own meme?

Maybe then you will capitalize some words to let me know you mean business?

Go fuck yourself with something hard and sand-papery!


P.S. Trousers, your SHIT'S WEAK!

There it is.


Well-Known Member
You made a thread about how you want me to like you and it didn't go the way you wanted it to go.
You are unable to ignore me. I live in your head rent free. It is cramped and the view is crappy.

Just let it go Grasshopper.

I wasn't trying to make you feel bad, I was pointing out the obvious.
Right now you are exhibiting some of the negative traits that you possess that I pointed out.

Repay me? lol I didn't know we were keeping score.
Go back and tally it up, you have a lot of work to do.

Where did I do that? I would like to read it.

You think of me all the time. When you are at work,when you are driving, in the shower. You can not stop thinking about me and why I will not be one of your fans.

Oooooohh, are you going to post a meme or a video?
No wait, why not post the hurt feeling report.
That is a classic, such a zinger.
What if you made your own meme?

Maybe then you will capitalize some words to let me know you mean business?

There it is.
Did you actually put my name on a meme? hahahahahahah

Do you think we are in politics? What's with the quote bukake?

If you dislike me so hard, why can't you just ignore me and shut the fuck up with your FEEEEEElings about me.

Sounds like a PERSONAL PROBLEM to me...


Well-Known Member
He was jabbering about male and female owls being called "twoo's and twee's". So I made a pun and I don't think he got it…. twat….:mrgreen:
excuse me ?

i did get it .

anyways .

I wasn't trying to make you feel bad, I was pointing out the obvious.
Right now you are exhibiting some of the negative traits that you possess that I pointed out.

^^^i get it now trousers

wow my heads spinning !!
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