Time to TURN THE PAGE - maybe?

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you are so upset.


I'm not upset - It's BIKINI day for @lahadaextranjera !

Are YOU upset?
Unclebuck is upset because the little girl next door moved away
he can no longer film her playing on the trampoline or doing cartwheels

You can't convince me he's a pedo.

Just like he can't convince me you're a gay basher.

I like you both.
lol, the old "I'm rubber, you are glue" argument?
count the posts dumb dumb

How many times did you tag me in the last week? I lost count.
How many posts has yessica made about me in the last few days?

Seriously, grow up. Reclaim your balls from yessica.
You are not a man.
If I were obsessed I probably would have found some time to post in the last few days, right?

You should see the private messages yessica sent me. She thought she was sending them to pinworm and they were completely about me. yessica is really mad and is unable to let it go. It is very unhealthy to carry this stuff around, talking to you too abe.
They were really pathetic. I think you are right there too abe. It is weird.
I can also link you to the site I used to mod at BL where nudity is required!

fuc help me out here girl! shes on the site but a diff name lol
I don't think I'd like it if nudity was REQUIRED. I don't like being told what to do. OBVI.

want me too? i will so do it for dem tiddies girl.

me and him are cool but tiddies makew man do bad things!
I don't want you to fuck up your "friendship".

But, I HATE HIM. Because he made me hate him. I know it's all a ridiculous act, and I know he's probably a grade seven girl borrowing his daddy's computer because he left them when T was just a wee lass.

I digress. Yeah - I'll nip you if you make his anoose hurt.

I don't think I'd like it if nudity was REQUIRED. I don't like being told what to do. OBVI.

I don't want you to fuck up your "friendship".

But, I HATE HIM. Because he made me hate him. I know it's all a ridiculous act, and I know he's probably a grade seven girl borrowing his daddy's computer because he left them when T was just a wee lass.

I digress. Yeah - I'll nip you if you make his anoose hurt.

friends naw and nudity not required njst we all do it. Home in 45 min hoping. omgfirst thing smoke cigarette cry sniff pain pills kill a bitch. makes sense
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