Time Travel

what you said was a little off the subject of physics. the qoute; Newton's Third Law
it ties in perfectly to what is being discussed here. how can you go foward in time and not go back in time. Oh I get it now. I forgot the skunk rule of physics. 'For what I say is true, and if it does not make sense to me, it must not be true!' sounds like a winner to me also. lol.

The skunk rule of physics sounds about right to me. Backward time travel is LOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE. What is done is done. You can go forwards. Which way is backwards?
doobie, I looked up bubble universe on wikipedia and that sounds very possible. They said Andrei Linde, the guy that proposed it, said we were part of a child universe from the actual universe. man that would make a great thread in itself.

skunk, my wife liked the skunk rule of physics also. I agree that the opposite of time advanced travel seems impossible. I chose these words cuz you brought up a good point. We all agree that we can go forward, but which way is backwards. if you are going backwards, you are still going foward in your mind's referrence of time.
I laughed when i read this thread
"Your talking about bending time and then building a bridge"

...Only a pothead would think of building a bridge in time to lead us to another time, because... its a short cut...Why spend the extra time going through time noramlly when you can build a bridge!

No offence or nothing i just found it funny

The site is much larger now, and this 5thread might get a larger response. I haven't read through it yet as I have another thread to move. This post is just to get it to the top of the pile.
Time travel is possible but as for gonig back 30 years or whatever I think not, in order for you to time travel you would have to travel faster than the speed of light as you could be in many places at the exact same time.
If you think about it logically were it that the science was there to enable travelling back in time the actual ability to travel back to the past would be impossible. Even if you went backwards you would still be going forwards, only backwards.

What is done is done, you cannot travel to the past. If you could then even by you taking a simple breath you could drastically alter the course of the future. I understand that you could travel forwards, but backwards would be impossible not only from a scientific standpoint but from a theoretical one too.

I kinda understand what you say here, but wouldn't it be more logical to be able to travel to the past since it HAS already happened and the future HAS NOT? You get what I'm sayin? Personally I don't think it possible to go either way.
I just set my clock back an hour and this post was already here!

How crazy was that, and how crazy is it that I already had this feeling of awe before I even posted this!!!
Ok I am somewhat familiar with this subject.
I feel like anything is possible.
I think we just have not figured it out yet.

I would think that traveling at the speed of light will this goal.
If one were to travel to the center of the universe this would send them closer to the big bang and hence back in time.

Since our universe is constantly expanding going inward would be going back in time and going further out would be the future.

I do not think anyone has proven without a doubt that it is impossible
to accelerate a particle containing ANY mass to the speed of light would require an infinite amount of energy. This is a basic principal of physics and makes this task impossible.
to sum it up...time travel is simply mis-named...it should be called dimminsion changing....because it always happens like a circle...it doesn't begin it just is..if someone was to change diminsions all the others would be affected...take in case the termanater....jon conner had sent his dad from the future back to protect his mom who imprgnates her with jon...get it..it already happened it didn't begin it just is from another diminsion
i posted this in another thread but it fits here better...

last night i was really high and saw a show on the history channel about albert einstein and his "twin theory". if 1 twin traveled into space at the speed of light for 2 years when they arrived back on earth their twin will have aged 20 years. for some reason time is slower in space? or just the aging process? like i said i was really high.
2 twins. 1 travels into space at the speed of light. they go for 1 earth year out into space, turn around and come back in one year. total travel time 2 earth years. apparently 20 years will have passed on earth. i need to google it. i'll be back.