
"Time is what keeps everything from happening all at once." - Ray Cummings

",space is what keeps it all from happening to you." Some truck-stop bathroom stall wall.

Your child is 10, in a blink; mine is 12, going on 24 and my RIU account is 13. Time is probably the most talked about cosmic quality in our house. I remember when my child was learning how to read the analog clocks in pre-school. She couldn't wrap her head around the fact that 12 happens twice and that the military clock has 24 hours instead of 12. She just couldn't math it out quite yet. So I found a youtube video for kids explaining how to read analog clocks and how the origins of the 24-hour day division developed all the way back to Mesopotamia. So in the middle of her existential crisis about time and math I made the fatal mistake of asking her a very adult phrased question, "Do you have 6 minutes I could borrow?"

My wife turned pale. My child exploded into a flurry of tears and angst. "How can I possibly loan you 6 minutes? I don't even know what 6 minutes is! I can't hold it in my hands, or loan it to you." Then the four year old child collapses on the floor in tears. My wife and I pick her up, wipe her face off, give her glass of water and sit her down to watch this short kid's video. When it's done she's completely placid, "Oh ok that makes sense now."

Memories, parenting, and time, oh my. Nothing like a child's first existential crisis about time. The whole time she melted down, there was a voice in my the back of my head saying, "Don't mention relativity. Don't mention relativity. Don't mention relativity." I could see the look in my wife's eyes saying, "Go physicist and you're a dead man." So I saved that one for a few days until she'd figured out the clock.

A common phrase my child will now use, "Dad, I don't have time for an existential crisis, I have homework to do." As I mention something about gravitational waves.

Got about 90 minutes?

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Never was, is or will be any experience other than present? That should help alot of people on job interviews
Never was, is, or ever gonna be a chance in hell I would ever go to some job interview, or apply to go take care of someones problems so they make money. lol. That was the past. I'm presently the richest man there ever was. The future is so bright, I gotta wear shades :cool:

Cool i guess. Never did hydro but im confused what hes actually doing. What is a repeat timer? Cant you just depress every other two buttons for that. I know im missing something?
You either remove or flip a gear in the gearbox, depending on what model. Been awhile since I did one.

You can speed them up by changing the gearing, to around 40-50 seconds per interval, instead of 15 minutes. The whole dial spins around way faster. Minutes instead of 24 hours.

In other words, you can make a cheap cycle timer, for running fans or pumps. Run your aero cloner, or even low pressure aero system at roughly 45 seconds on, and 3-5 minutes off, etc...
Cycle\repeat timers were kind of spendy back then. Cheap now though, and there's even digital ones for less than $20 that work great.

Modding a standard timer was a good trick to get shorter on/off cycles, without shelling out 60-100 bucks for a CAP, or whatever brand it was they had..

Edit: It was pretty much fixed though, you couldn't adjust or dial the timings in. The new ones go down to the second, or whatever you want.