Timeless Stoner Music


Well-Known Member
Maybe its just me but i think the best bands are the ones that stand the test of time Zeppelin, The Doors, Grateful Dead, and of course at least in my mind the best band ever The Beatles. Just somethin about knowin that stoners in the generations before mine were listenin to the same songs and were just as stoned as me.


Well-Known Member
Being in my 50's I remember when you bought an album and all the songs were good... now you may know one or two and the rest are crap.......



Well-Known Member
Genesis. With Gabriel's vocal of course. from late 60's till half 70's. Foxtrot, selling england by the pound, and The lamb lies down on broadway are ones of the best albums ever...


Well-Known Member
Twistyman i was just talkin about that with my friends the other day i think we were listening to Revolver by The Beatles and talking about how they had pride in every song they made so you could listen to every song on the album now its just hey lets make a single so we can be on the radio and fill an album with other songs so we can make some money maybe someday popular music will be good again


Well-Known Member
well lets see if i can come up with anymore

johnny winter
simon and garfunkel
humble pie
steve miller band
bob seger
heh my brain is fried lol ill add more later


Well-Known Member
not just relics . . . dark side of the moon has to be the epitome of psychedelic rock albums, either that or one of pink floyds other albums :D

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
not just relics . . . dark side of the moon has to be the epitome of psychedelic rock albums, either that or one of pink floyds other albums :D
Ya think? Listened to it once and thought it was WAY WAY over thought of...not ONE "great" track on there (so I thought anyway)...

...try Bjork's "Homogenic" - first time I listened to it Id never heard anything by her so didn't know what to expect (I was actually half-expecting techno...but got a VERY pleasent surprise) - EASILY one of the top 20 albums ever (if you know anything at all by Bjork its probably on that album), I'm saying that having never listened to it whilst stoned either! People don't bang on about it but its a REAL little hidden gem...buy it when you find it - I'm into all my old stuff much more than modern stuff (music died in 1980 along with Ian Curtis and John Lennon didn't it? - honestly...) but this ones a treat ;-)