Timers and electrical.

Small grow about to start in bathroom. 3x3 tent. 120 volts/ 113 watt in-lin fan, 120 volt/ 95 watt light and two 15 Watt clip fans. Was going to run that on a timer power strip to a 12 gauge extension cord to the normal wall plug. Is that to much power on one plug?
Should I get another timer power strip and extentsion cord and run the in-line and one clip fan on one timer that plugs into bathroom plug and run the light and one clip fan on the other power strip/ extension cord setup and draw power from a plug in the bedroom? Thanks!
First in the US most recent homes have isolated circuits to bathrooms
and plenty to do the list you have
No need for a 12 gauge cord anywhere unless I missed your wattage
It think while I admire your concern for safety it sounds like overkill
that bath circuit likely on a GFI will certainly let you know if you have any issues
Btw pro tip
Tape off the bathroom light switch lol
Good luck
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First in the US most recent homes have isolated circuits to bathrooms
and plenty to do the list you have
No need for a 12 gauge cord anywhere unless I missed your wattage
It think while I admire your concern for safety it sounds like overkill
that bath circuit likely on a GFI will certainly let you know if you have any issues
Btw pro tip
Tape off the bathroom light switch lol
Good luck
I have a taped light switch
Yeah 12 gauge wire usually has a 20 amp limit so as long as you're not using the same circuit for other stuff you should be fine. I doubt that you're even using 10 amps with the listed items.
Just know exactly which outlets go to which circuit and keep the watts under 80% of capacity, which is usually 15 amps per circuit in older homes (so you could use up to 12 amps) or in homes with 20 amps/circuit you could run 16 amps.