Timers going crazy !!


Active Member
Hey guys and gals

Can you help me out with my Timers going a little crazy?

For the last two nights my timers have not gone off when they should have ! They reset themselves and the lights were still on when they should have went off ...I caught them just in time ! Should i have relays or somehting like that ? Or maybe i bought cheap ones ?? $15 a piece .I am useing 2 200 Watt and a 125 watt Enviorlites for my grow .

Cheers for the help .......... Robbyyt


Well-Known Member
What brand is it? I bought a cheap one from wally world and havn't ever had a problem with it...


Well-Known Member
What type are they ? Mechanical or they Digital Timers ?

My mechanical timers fuked up as well so I went digital.

Edit} lol we dont have wally world in Europe


Active Member
Mine are digital timers from B&Q in Europe !! What do you think i shoud do ? dont want to wreck my crop!!!??

Cheers for the help Robbyyt...


Well-Known Member
The ones in that link ^^ are rated to 3000w each.. ( never let me down yet )

ok you say timers... Is that 1 timer 1 light ? as thats for 2 plugs and it says

Requirements: Small Household Appliances

So id have thought that a single would be the same or even less have a look if you still have the packet and see what its rated to


Active Member
The one in the link i sent you is ,not the same one ,but simular ,i have thrown out the packet so cant check what wattage its for ! my ones are a single socket ,but i will go back to B&Q and buy a better one ....I have 3 single timers with 3 separate lights ... Enviorlites ..

What do you think ??

cheers Robbyyt..

Moon Shadow

Well-Known Member
A good run of thumb to use is to make it last get 1.5 time more than you need in power consumpsion.

200W @ 120vac = 1.66 amps so the timer needs to be at least 2.49 amps
200w @ 220vac = .909 amps so the timer needs to be at least 1.36 amps

I would stick with the mechanical one's because lights turning on and off have a big surge.

If your timer meets these basic requirments then check this.

Does your timer have good ventalation. If they get real hot then it can't time properly. This can be caused by 2 things in general

1 too big a load get a bigger timer
2 your timer is sitting in a hot spot and needs ventalation cool it down.

I hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Like I said I used mechanical timers, I bought 3 just for one light and every time the same thing, fine for a few days then it wouldnt turn off or on when I wanted it to,

This was in with in the first few weeks of my grow, but after getting them timers from argos I never had this problem again.

choice is up to you...


Active Member
Some pet stores carry awesome digital timers. I have been eyeing this digital powerstrip that is completely programmable for each outlet (8 total) They are made for terririums. Some have a good power rating while others are made for light loads. Be mindful of their power rating, as our HPS's draw a ton of power and I'm sure at least 2-3 amps (possibly even more with an older ballast upon start up?).


Active Member
Thanks guys for all your input on this .I have my eye on a nice new timer that should sort the problem !!

Happy Growing ............Robbyyt......:joint:

Moon Shadow

Well-Known Member
One more thing I forgot. The voltage are they 120 plugge into a 120 outlet.

Please don't take this wrong. All of us make mistakes. However I think your problem is heat. Or your unlucky and have been buying bad timers.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I use a single digital timer with a 3 way adapter plugged right into it and then plug my 3 400 watt hps lights into it and set it for daily and weekly settings on at 10 pm off at 10 am no problems and has a built in backup battery to keep timer going even during power failure so times dont get messed up.Cost $20 at home depot.