Timing cycle for a new ebb & flow


Active Member
I have a few different systems I mess with, just to see the results of each, including soil/soiless.. but anyways I just got a new ebb and flow system.. consisting of a 6" x 6" x 42" baffle.. thats holds 5, 5" net pots, and comes with a 5 gallon res, although im throwing my 20 gallon res under it for better consistency in the nutrients.. so my question is.. Ive never worked an ebb & flow before.. I know that there are several different feeding timings etc..

the manufacturer says to run the pump on a 30 on/ 30 off cycle 24/7.. which i dont have a problem with... hell, for all i care, it can run 24/7 on all the time.... Im gonna be using Hydroton in the pots.. so draining will not be an issue... as Im so sick now that I cant work anymore, Im home all the time, for now anyways till Sept... and the grow room is right next to my bedroom, in the basement, adjacent fro where i sit anyways watching tv etc... so I can be there basically all the tie to keep my eyes on it...

Id like to get some opinions on a good feeding schedule etc.. or how to time my sump pump to be more specific...I know about nutrients etc, I know a decent amount about the plant itself, but I nevr worked in a basement before, with hydro.. I grew up in Houston TX, so i just threw the seeds from my mexi weed in the dirt n that was that LOL...
I have a few different systems I mess with, just to see the results of each, including soil/soiless.. but anyways I just got a new ebb and flow system.. consisting of a 6" x 6" x 42" baffle.. thats holds 5, 5" net pots, and comes with a 5 gallon res, although im throwing my 20 gallon res under it for better consistency in the nutrients.. so my question is.. Ive never worked an ebb & flow before.. I know that there are several different feeding timings etc..

the manufacturer says to run the pump on a 30 on/ 30 off cycle 24/7.. which i dont have a problem with... hell, for all i care, it can run 24/7 on all the time.... Im gonna be using Hydroton in the pots.. so draining will not be an issue... as Im so sick now that I cant work anymore, Im home all the time, for now anyways till Sept... and the grow room is right next to my bedroom, in the basement, adjacent fro where i sit anyways watching tv etc... so I can be there basically all the tie to keep my eyes on it...

Id like to get some opinions on a good feeding schedule etc.. or how to time my sump pump to be more specific...I know about nutrients etc, I know a decent amount about the plant itself, but I nevr worked in a basement before, with hydro.. I grew up in Houston TX, so i just threw the seeds from my mexi weed in the dirt n that was that LOL...

I too am pondering and seem to have found your thread at first search did you find out anything?.... I have this contraption someone gave me it consisted of a small picnic like cooler approx 2 gal. and it pumped water from the cooler of ice thru a hose thru a pad probably for back pain or somethin but anyway I snatched pump and hoses and threw it in a res.... the power supply that was attached has a variable resistor and turned all the way clockwise it runs approx. 45 secs on then 45 secs off. now question is does anyone think this is sufficient? please let me know. thx