Tincture's are the best medication (A how to for gold and green)


Well-Known Member
Ive seen a few people post asking for info on tinctures and figured id post a thread with my experiences. I cant include pictures right now but if i ever have time i will update. I only use alcohol so i cant help with any other types of tincture. Might be a bit drawn out and mind jumping so i apologize for that

For the last few months i have been experimenting with tincture's and i think i know enough to help people out now. This is one of my favorite methods for ingesting cannabis because you can choose how long or fast you want the effects. I have tested this on a few people as well, two of which were on multiple medications for bi-polar/schizophrenia/constant pain and was told that this made the need for any of the medications much lower. I have whole body aches/pain and find using a tincture is better than 120-180mg of codeine. During the mrs time of the month she found cramps drastically reduced when taking a steady dose 2 days before of 0.5ml twice a day using green dragon in the morning and gold at night.

How to dose: Ill include a bit more on each of the green and gold but the general idea is the same. If you want the effects of either to be gradual then drop your dose into your mouth with water/coffee and swallow. I love the taste of my gold dragon in coffee. If you want very fast effects of either then place enough water or coffee in your mouth so that under your tounge is covered and go slow adding drop after drop. Hold it under your tounge and swish it around your gums, this should give you effects in under 2minutes. The longer you hold it in your mouth the better, after you can just swallow. DO NOT put the tincture directly under your tounge, it burns like a son of a bitch, this is why i say to use small drops when placing it with water as it still can burn pretty badly. You can smoke before dosing with gold dragon but i dont find the effects as good and i need to take more. However if you smoke on gold dragon a few hours in you will have a very strong long lasting high. ive had that "just smoked a big bowl/joint/vape" feeling for 4 hours straight before i felt the high come down.

Green dragon- cannabis that hasnt been decarbed yet. If your going to make this for just medical effects and little to no high then the fresher the buds the better
Gold dragon- Decarbed cannabis tincture. The end result is a beautiful yellow sunshine color.

What you'll need-
1. Any amount of cannabis. I wouldnt use less than a quarter but i highly suggest using as much as you can spare, ill go into that later. Having more than one strain is a bonus. You could use trim but i prefer only using buds as you would need to use alot more trim and more alcohol.
2. High proof drinkable liquor (no ISO). I use 95% because i can get it easily, but you can get just as good results with 70%. I want as pure substance as possible so i stay away from 151 rum but its your choice.
3. Coffee filters or equivalent filters.
4. Oven, pyrex dish, tin foil.
5. Clean mason jars with lids (Bigger the better depending on the amount you're using).
6. Medical droppers with 0.25ml-1.0ml markings. Easy to find in a pharmacy. This is a must have and highly suggest against eyeballing your dosage.
7. Dark medical dropper vials or "cocaine" vials they sell in head shops.

Mixing strains: if you can mix two or more strains do it. You get a much more complex high with more added medical benefits that vary strain to strain. On the other hand if you have a strain that works best for you keep it simple with only that strain.

How to make a green dragon tincture:

A properly made green dragon should relieve pain and other ailments with little to no high. The best way to make it is using fresh buds, they can be dried and cured but you want the THC to degrade as little as possible so you dont get high. You can soak it for 2-7days and get good results in a shorter time or soak it for a month+ and get everything possible.

Step 1- Grind your cannabis if your doing a short 2-7day soak. If you can wait a month or longer then you can use whole ungrinded buds.

Step 2- In a clean mason jar place your cannabis, do not press it down. Slowly pour your alcohol over it until the alcohol is a 1-2 inches above your cannabis. Screw the lid on and shake it lightly for a few minutes.

Step 3- If you're doing a short 2-7 day soak place it in the freezer and shake a few times a day. If you're soaking it for a month or more then you can place it in any dark cool place. I put jars in a few layers of socks in a drawer. The freezer step for the 2-7 day soak is just so don't remove as much chlorophyll, but with longer soaks regardless you are going to be stripping everything off the plant matter Its done when the plant matter is a brown/grey color.

Step 4- Once you have let it soak for your desired time, strain it with your filter and place the alcohol in a clean mason jar or bowl in front of a fan until you're left with 5-30% the original volume. The less you end up with the more potent it will be.

Dosage for green dragon- i suggest starting small and working your way up. Start with 0.25ml dropped into a mouthful of water and wait a hour or two, if you dont feel any high then you can try another 0.5ml and wait another hour. I evap to around 15-20% of my original volume and find 1ml will help with most problems. Under the tongue method works incredible for headaches and really bad pains.

How to make a gold dragon tincture:
A properly made gold dragon should get you as high as you desire and get rid of most problems you have like pain/mental. Using cured/older bud is ideal and you get your end product within 4hours (plus evap time). Best results have been using alcohol that's been in the freezer for 2 or more days ahead of time. I have gone to work and social things while on this and find a low dose is best, anything too high and your mind will wander.

Step 1- You need to decarb your cannabis, if you have a preferred way for decarbing you can use it. I like using small whole bud for decarbing but some like to grind it. Place it in a Pyrex dish and cover it in tinfoil. Poke a few holes in the top, i also drop a digital thermometer in it so i can monitor temps as ovens can fluctuate 50 degrees. Best results have been with lower temps and longer time, anywhere from 200-250 degree F for 20-45 minutes works. You want your cannabis to be crunchy to the touch.

Step 2- In a clean mason jar place your decarbed cannabis in and break it up with the end of a handle or spoon. Pour alcohol over it so it covers it at least 1-2 inches above the cannabis. Shake it a few times and place the mason jar back in the freezer.

Step 3- Every hour shake the jar.

Step 4- After 4 hours remove from freezer and filter it. Evap it infront of a fan till you have 5-30% of your original volume. You can discard the cannabis if you want or do like i do and keep a big jar that i dump all of my used decarbed bud into and keep it covered in fresh alcohol. After a few months i filter it and evap like normal but down to 5-10% and use it as normal.

Dosage: This is tricky because you feel effects from it so you can take to much sometimes and everyone's tolerances are different. With each new batch i start at 0.25ml. If after a hour i feel little to nothing then i smoke and wait till the next day. The next day depending on how strong 0.25ml was i will either use 0.5ml or 0.75ml. Normally 0.5ml is a threshold dose for a nice high that lasts anywhere from 4-8hours and 1ml is a strong high that lasts 6-8+hours. If you use it under your tongue you'll feel effects in under 5 minutes and it will build for 45 minutes or longer then start to come down slowly, this depends on how long you let it sit under your tongue and gums, if you let it sit for a minute then swallow it wont start as strong but will last longer as it absorbs. Becuase of the trial and error to find the right dosage levels with each new batch of gold dragon making large batches is preferred.

I once took 3.5ml of gold dragon under the tongue in multiple times over 15 minutes and then vaped a few bags before bed thinking i would be fine. After a hour i noticed i was getting higher and higher and after two hours my eyes were vibrating and i felt very uncomfortable. I noticed water in my mouth didnt feel/taste right and told the mrs i had taken too much and needed to shower and have her be there in the event i greened out. I had to alternate hot and cold water for about a hour while forcing myself to eat a few pieces of bread in the shower. I then sat in bed for who knows how long cuddled up having brief moments of panic for a few hours. I then woke up and worked and felt like shit all day with a splitting head ache. So in the event you take too much just hop in the shower, drink some water and eat something starchy and then watch something that makes you happy.

If your using it as a wake up kind of thing its best on a empty stomach and then eat something once you start to feel the effects.

If you have any questions just ask and ill help you as best i can.
thanks WhatStrain...exactly what I was looking for :) I have a question though...does the alcohol need to be evapped off? I have a patient who wants the alcohol part too.
Ive seen a few people post asking for info on tinctures and figured id post a thread with my experiences. I cant include pictures right now but if i ever have time i will update. I only use alcohol so i cant help with any other types of tincture. Might be a bit drawn out and mind jumping so i apologize for that

For the last few months i have been experimenting with tincture's and i think i know enough to help people out now. This is one of my favorite methods for ingesting cannabis because you can choose how long or fast you want the effects. I have tested this on a few people as well, two of which were on multiple medications for bi-polar/schizophrenia/constant pain and was told that this made the need for any of the medications much lower. I have whole body aches/pain and find using a tincture is better than 120-180mg of codeine. During the mrs time of the month she found cramps drastically reduced when taking a steady dose 2 days before of 0.5ml twice a day using green dragon in the morning and gold at night.

How to dose: Ill include a bit more on each of the green and gold but the general idea is the same. If you want the effects of either to be gradual then drop your dose into your mouth with water/coffee and swallow. I love the taste of my gold dragon in coffee. If you want very fast effects of either then place enough water or coffee in your mouth so that under your tounge is covered and go slow adding drop after drop. Hold it under your tounge and swish it around your gums, this should give you effects in under 2minutes. The longer you hold it in your mouth the better, after you can just swallow. DO NOT put the tincture directly under your tounge, it burns like a son of a bitch, this is why i say to use small drops when placing it with water as it still can burn pretty badly. You can smoke before dosing with gold dragon but i dont find the effects as good and i need to take more. However if you smoke on gold dragon a few hours in you will have a very strong long lasting high. ive had that "just smoked a big bowl/joint/vape" feeling for 4 hours straight before i felt the high come down.

Green dragon- cannabis that hasnt been decarbed yet. If your going to make this for just medical effects and little to no high then the fresher the buds the better
Gold dragon- Decarbed cannabis tincture. The end result is a beautiful yellow sunshine color.

What you'll need-
1. Any amount of cannabis. I wouldnt use less than a quarter but i highly suggest using as much as you can spare, ill go into that later. Having more than one strain is a bonus. You could use trim but i prefer only using buds as you would need to use alot more trim and more alcohol.
2. High proof drinkable liquor (no ISO). I use 95% because i can get it easily, but you can get just as good results with 70%. I want as pure substance as possible so i stay away from 151 rum but its your choice.
3. Coffee filters or equivalent filters.
4. Oven, pyrex dish, tin foil.
5. Clean mason jars with lids (Bigger the better depending on the amount you're using).
6. Medical droppers with 0.25ml-1.0ml markings. Easy to find in a pharmacy. This is a must have and highly suggest against eyeballing your dosage.
7. Dark medical dropper vials or "cocaine" vials they sell in head shops.

Mixing strains: if you can mix two or more strains do it. You get a much more complex high with more added medical benefits that vary strain to strain. On the other hand if you have a strain that works best for you keep it simple with only that strain.
How to make a green dragon tincture:
A properly made green dragon should relieve pain and other ailments with little to no high. The best way to make it is using fresh buds, they can be dried and cured but you want the THC to degrade as little as possible so you dont get high. You can soak it for 2-7days and get good results in a shorter time or soak it for a month+ and get everything possible.

Step 1- Grind your cannabis if your doing a short 2-7day soak. If you can wait a month or longer then you can use whole ungrinded buds.

Step 2- In a clean mason jar place your cannabis, do not press it down. Slowly pour your alcohol over it until the alcohol is a 1-2 inches above your cannabis. Screw the lid on and shake it lightly for a few minutes.

Step 3- If you're doing a short 2-7 day soak place it in the freezer and shake a few times a day. If you're soaking it for a month or more then you can place it in any dark cool place. I put jars in a few layers of socks in a drawer. The freezer step for the 2-7 day soak is just so don't remove as much chlorophyll, but with longer soaks regardless you are going to be stripping everything off the plant matter Its done when the plant matter is a brown/grey color.

Step 4- Once you have let it soak for your desired time, strain it with your filter and place the alcohol in a clean mason jar or bowl in front of a fan until you're left with 5-30% the original volume. The less you end up with the more potent it will be.

Dosage for green dragon- i suggest starting small and working your way up. Start with 0.25ml dropped into a mouthful of water and wait a hour or two, if you dont feel any high then you can try another 0.5ml and wait another hour. I evap to around 15-20% of my original volume and find 1ml will help with most problems. Under the tongue method works incredible for headaches and really bad pains.

How to make a gold dragon tincture:
A properly made gold dragon should get you as high as you desire and get rid of most problems you have like pain/mental. Using cured/older bud is ideal and you get your end product within 4hours (plus evap time). Best results have been using alcohol that's been in the freezer for 2 or more days ahead of time. I have gone to work and social things while on this and find a low dose is best, anything too high and your mind will wander.

Step 1- You need to decarb your cannabis, if you have a preferred way for decarbing you can use it. I like using small whole bud for decarbing but some like to grind it. Place it in a Pyrex dish and cover it in tinfoil. Poke a few holes in the top, i also drop a digital thermometer in it so i can monitor temps as ovens can fluctuate 50 degrees. Best results have been with lower temps and longer time, anywhere from 200-250 degree F for 20-45 minutes works. You want your cannabis to be crunchy to the touch.

Step 2- In a clean mason jar place your decarbed cannabis in and break it up with the end of a handle or spoon. Pour alcohol over it so it covers it at least 1-2 inches above the cannabis. Shake it a few times and place the mason jar back in the freezer.

Step 3- Every hour shake the jar.

Step 4- After 4 hours remove from freezer and filter it. Evap it infront of a fan till you have 5-30% of your original volume. You can discard the cannabis if you want or do like i do and keep a big jar that i dump all of my used decarbed bud into and keep it covered in fresh alcohol. After a few months i filter it and evap like normal but down to 5-10% and use it as normal.

Dosage: This is tricky because you feel effects from it so you can take to much sometimes and everyone's tolerances are different. With each new batch i start at 0.25ml. If after a hour i feel little to nothing then i smoke and wait till the next day. The next day depending on how strong 0.25ml was i will either use 0.5ml or 0.75ml. Normally 0.5ml is a threshold dose for a nice high that lasts anywhere from 4-8hours and 1ml is a strong high that lasts 6-8+hours. If you use it under your tongue you'll feel effects in under 5 minutes and it will build for 45 minutes or longer then start to come down slowly, this depends on how long you let it sit under your tongue and gums, if you let it sit for a minute then swallow it wont start as strong but will last longer as it absorbs. Becuase of the trial and error to find the right dosage levels with each new batch of gold dragon making large batches is preferred.

I once took 3.5ml of gold dragon under the tongue in multiple times over 15 minutes and then vaped a few bags before bed thinking i would be fine. After a hour i noticed i was getting higher and higher and after two hours my eyes were vibrating and i felt very uncomfortable. I noticed water in my mouth didnt feel/taste right and told the mrs i had taken too much and needed to shower and have her be there in the event i greened out. I had to alternate hot and cold water for about a hour while forcing myself to eat a few pieces of bread in the shower. I then sat in bed for who knows how long cuddled up having brief moments of panic for a few hours. I then woke up and worked and felt like shit all day with a splitting head ache. So in the event you take too much just hop in the shower, drink some water and eat something starchy and then watch something that makes you happy.

If your using it as a wake up kind of thing its best on a empty stomach and then eat something once you start to feel the effects.

If you have any questions just ask and ill help you as best i can.
FANTASTIC report bro !! Thanks a Million for this useful info !! - Just did a bit of our homemade "gold dragon" and it's kicking my ass , it came on Fast !!:-P
thanks WhatStrain...exactly what I was looking for :) I have a question though...does the alcohol need to be evapped off? I have a patient who wants the alcohol part too.
Its doesn't have to be evaped off. But drinking a few shots of 95% alchohol to get to the same point .5ml would makes me gag. Do whatever you wish :)

FANTASTIC report bro !! Thanks a Million for this useful info !! - Just did a bit of our homemade "gold dragon" and it's kicking my ass , it came on Fast !!:-P

Glad you like it. I love that it comes on faster as there is less time to think about it,
I am not sure what his use will be, not as a tincture though. I believe he wants to make individual, duo purpose drinks possibly
So I was just wondering if I could get some advice. I made my first tincture last night. 2/3 old dry stuff and 1/3 of fresh. I didn't decarb beca use I was nervous to overheat it. How long should this thing sit before it's at the full potential? Has anyone done something similar who could shed some light on what to expect. Thanks in advance.
Using the highest proof possible is recommended.
Everclear and similar products are made to be the highest % alc possible. This takes more $ and stricter distillation techniques.
In more common liquors, the purpose is..well drinkability. Sugars and all sorts of things are added for smoothness etc. Even if its just vodka or a clear liquor.. after reducing alot of it you will be left with a syrup.

Besides the contents of the liquor, water doesnt extract what we desire. Being of near opposite polarity it dissolves frankly everything we dont want. And to clarify, their is nothing "magical" or special in these compounds

The trichome heads dissolve nearly instantly when submerged in the solvent, a 5 minute soak is all thats necessary to extract all the goods

As to decarbing, well as always you need to boil your extract/product over a double boil and watch for bubbles to slow

I usually throw out that a tincture used sublingually like this should really not be made out of ethanol the drinking alcohol but glycerol as in vegetable glycerin..

Also i noticed you mentioned hot showers and what not.. thats really cool to hear, maybe i just dont know alot of weed smokers but most people dont recognize body temp combating the high. Shit i even know stoners that still dont recognize eating gets rid of the high.
Great thanks for the reply. I have it sitting in a mason jar soaking in everclear. I am just worried that the gram of fresh buds that I did not decarb ahead of time will be only for the thca benefits now.... I'll try doing the double boil technique. So I keep the jar closed tight and boil in another pot on the stove? I'm so afraid of combustion but want the best tincture I can get from this. :)
Well unfortunately you cant selectively decarb..you cant decarb the fresh without over doing the older material. It will however take bud about 5 montus to decarb naturally and there is a good chance the old material isnt fully decarbed.
Overdoing it will just make it more sedative and alter the medicinal benefits

Theres no need to worry about fumes. Alcohol is relatively safe to work with unlike butane.

You can have the container open or closed, really doesnt matter too much, personally i would leave it open
Okay great! The old stuff is like 2+ years old that's been preserved in a jar. It just crumbled into dust which made things easy. I guess I'll just cook it a small amount to try and speed up the fresh stuff. Atleast now I know what to expect when I make a big batch and not just trial. You guys have alot of knowledge and I appreciate your help more than you know. All of my research has been so varied thus far until I found this forum. :)