Tinder, ex's and straight f*cking thread.

Women are only good for three things:

And vaginas!
I do appreciate the mouth, booty , and boobage... with an emphasis on the nipples...
If we are listing accoutrements...
Ironically.. none of my ex's have been able to cook...
Annnd were reluctant to clean....
I am really picky when it comes to Movies and Music.. I know I'm in the minority on that film Yessica...but it sucks, its just not funny or entertaining. Spaceballs was better..and that kinda sucks.
I am really picky when it comes to Movies and Music.. I know I'm in the minority on that film Yessica...but it sucks, its just not funny or entertaining. Spaceballs was better..and that kinda sucks.
I fucking love space balls.

Agree to disagree

Wait...do you generally hate movies that are internationally loved? Are your pants really tight around your calves? Do you like craft beer and hoarding knowledge over others?

...if you answered "yes" to one or all of these questions...you just might be a hipster!


It's ok, I get it, you're soooo NOT a hipster...

(Wink wink nudge nudge)
Lol... Nah, I drink Busch light .. I gotta have good acting and writing or its a tough watch.
I can understand that.

I just like the shit out of movies, especially ones I loved as a child - because of nostalgia.

The Princess Bride AND Spaceballs fall into that category. I love them! Like a lot. If I didn’t have to sleep right now I would probably watch both of those…

Actually, thanks for the suggestion! I’m going to watch them this weekend, if there’s time…