Tink Talk

I have been recently turned on to tincture. I have not yet attempted the process, a simple one of alcohol and jane I assume, but have not done my homework yet. I read somewhere recently also that the higher end E-cigs(which you load liquid into) work great for vaporizing the tincture into a great high. This one's up for grabs if you want to fortell experiences or effective tinc procedures.
Also does anyone know of a synthetic tink on the market? I have a lady friend that told me there was, but she may be confused with real jane.


Well-Known Member
pretty easy to make...check youtube.
pretty much letting weed sit in a high proof alcohol for some period of time in a dark place while giving it a shake every day or 2. usually takes around a month i believe. strain it through a coffee filter and use a dropper to put drops of it under the tongue.