Tiny black flies


Active Member
Hey guys just a question. Seems everyday I get to see and sometime kill these tiny flies. (like a black fruit fly). I only see about 1 a day but just wondering if it will get worst. My grow is in a little closet 3 cfl's and a exhaust fan. Anyone ever see these tiny flies and how do I get rid of them without hurting my girls?:joint:
Fly paper. And keep an eye out for more because the more there are in there the more of their babies that could be gnawing on your roots.
I too have a bug. wasn't a tiny black fly, more of a thin long shaped thing. it was snacking on the top of a leaf leaving tiny light green spots. Same thing? flypaper?

and if lady bugs are prescribed can you buy them locally or is that internet only?
I too have a bug. wasn't a tiny black fly, more of a thin long shaped thing. it was snacking on the top of a leaf leaving tiny light green spots. Same thing? flypaper?

and if lady bugs are prescribed can you buy them locally or is that internet only?

I know you can buy them on the internet 100%, you should check around ur local shops mate! you might be surprised to find them kickin around.

and if you have a big bug problem, i suggest getting praying mantis, they eat Everybug that lives on a marijuana plant, and like i said they make great garden friends :)
Fungus gnats are one of your plants worst enemies. they will destroy your plant (or rather their larvae will).

Also you can usually buy lady bugs at feed stores and garden stores. look for one that likes the naturalistic approach you can get like 500 ladybugs really cheap. OR mantis eggs. You might end up with 5-500 mantises though.
Fungus gnats are one of your plants worst enemies. they will destroy your plant (or rather their larvae will).

Also you can usually buy lady bugs at feed stores and garden stores. look for one that likes the naturalistic approach you can get like 500 ladybugs really cheap. OR mantis eggs. You might end up with 5-500 mantises though.

yes mate, but ive used em before, you take out as many eggs as you need for 30-40plants i got bugs, bought prayin mantises let 15-20 grow up and eat all the bugs, o and if u get the fungus gnats, you gotta get worms for ur dirt, they eat the bugs in the soil and mantises eat everything above ground live savages :) there fucking wicked.
Fungus gnats one of the the worst enemy? I agree if the plant is very young. Just stop watering as much and usually the plants will outgrow them, they are attracted to saturated soil.
Totally on the mantis thing. I had a mantis for 6 months named paco and I would feed this thing moths that were half its size as well as spiders. It was one fat happy mantis lol.
i"ve had knats and thats what happened i just stopped watering as much(rookie mistake but still canhappen to a pro) and they out grew em bacically
i love this forum i just water my plants and noticed these things coming out so im gonna not water them for some times and check on them every day ? best thing to do ?

any other advise how many days should I not water them for ?
Just put a 1/2 inch layer of sand on top of the soil - the fungus gnats won't be able to lay their eggs in the soil, and the ones already in there will die. Also use a flytrap to help remove the remaining pests. I hope this helps.