Tiny ScrOG growbox...


Well-Known Member
I've got a small growbox I designed setup in my closet right now, it's my first try with growing herb inside, especially like this. My plan is to put in a screen and try and use a ScrOG setup. My plan is to train it onto the screen but keep pruning it and keep it in veg till it's bushy and short (relatively), then flower it. Ideally, I want the plant to fill up pretty much all the space across the screen so I can get somewhat of a harvest out of such a small space. I'm not trying to grow massive buds in huge amounts or anything like that, and I'll be happy just to get a few grams of nice looking bug out of this. I just want something to keep me occupied until it's warm enough out to grow again really, plus I'm curious about it. And it'll be nice if it works out and I'm able to get a decent amount of bud from such a small spot, i'd be able to keep a few plants going even during winter.

The box is like 18" high and wide and like 12" deep. The lid has a 80mm fan for venthilation, and one CFL. The walls are lined with one of those emergency blankets. This is just how it is for now though...
In the next week I'm planning on spray painting the interior flat white and getting rid of the blanket/foil. I'll probably paint the outside black to help totally light proof it (right now it's making my whole closet glow), get one of those 3-socket fixtures in there with 3 CFLs. I also want to put in some kind of like door or vent on the bottom part of the box, so that once the plant fills the screen in I can still get below it to prune it and water it, plus let air circulate. I'm also thinking about making a mini-carbon scrubber for the 80mm exhaust fan, I've got an idea for one and a bucket of activated carbon (I have an aquarium), plus I like the idea of like a totally stealth box.

I'd really appreciate any ideas or criticism or reflection or whatever on this project.


Well-Known Member
Today I ended up re-lining the thing with the dull side of foil, my hardware store didnt have any mylar. I re-did the lighting, now it has a CFL outdoor spotlight and a regular twisty CFL. I also sealed the inside with foil tape and used that and duct tape to pretty much entirely lightproof it, except the vent for the fan and a few cracks here n there.
Also started germinating a 1/2 dozen more seeds in paper towels, plus like th other 7 i started in soil yesterday. I figure if I'm only going to be able to grow one plant I should at least be able to choose the best-looking one, plus it'd suck to get stuck with a male :P


Active Member
12 inches deep? You unfortunatly won't yeild much out of that box. A 2 week old sprout and the pot measure 6ish inches in itself not include the lighting. You might as well top as many times you can and flower


Well-Known Member
I scrog man and your ganna need more space than that IMO. How many watts of cfl are you going to have? check out my scrog, 12 plants, 1450 watts.


Active Member
Pictures would be helpful. And that is a very small space to grow but you can grow herb in almost any size space as long as it has all the elements to sustain life. Just top a few times like wetmango said and youll probably have to start flowering at 2-3 weeks.

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
Pictures would be helpful. And that is a very small space to grow but you can grow herb in almost any size space as long as it has all the elements to sustain life. Just top a few times like wetmango said and youll probably have to start flowering at 2-3 weeks.
ur 3 years too late bud....op hasnt even been on since 02-14-2009