Tip burn and wrinkled


Well-Known Member
Transplant done

Doing a test in 7gal pots. 2 in blacks wallow living soil mix. And 1 in gaia green and ewc
Rootbound, as I suspected. Are the 7g pots you transplanted into fabric pots? Won't have the rootbound issue if you use fabric pots. Fortunately, 7g is plenty room for most indoor grow cycles.

16oz solo cup to 1g pot isn't much of an improvement in terms of space for roots. From what you've posted, seems like you did everything right so a rootbound plant was really the only reason for your issues. Given more time, I'm sure you'll stop seeing these issues.

Well lets see what's easier. The BlackSwallow living soil boasts water only for a smaller plant. See if the dry amendment way is just as easy with simple topdressings. fun.
In my experience, most "water only" soils tend to need top dressing along the way. The biggest concern is ensuring you don't overdo it with Phosphorus amendments. Once you've overdone Phosphorus, your soil turns to shit and you will need to start over. So long as the P in NPK isn't above a 7-8, you should be fine. I err on the side of caution and use a 4-6-4 mix for flower.

I top dress every 2-4 weeks, depending on the plant/strain/etc. If you're using a light source of Nitrogen, like Neem Meal, you won't see N toxicity much. Consider that nitrogen is needed not just for your plants, but to facilitate the decomposing process and to feed the microbes in your soil.


Well-Known Member
Hey. New to this organic stuff

Getting some clawing and tip burn.
These came out of solo cups into 1 gal pots 10 days ago.
Mix is promix hp with 3tsp per gallon of gaia green 444 and 1 tsp of ewc.

Running a tad on the dry side so i soaked them a few days ago. They are dry today and starting to show yellow to burnt tips.

Any ideas?
I would lift them off the floor first, especially if they are on a basement floor.
After that what are the temps and humidity like?


Thanks for the info!

Temps are 70 with a 4" fan and carbon filter
Humidity is bouncing around 30 to 45

Tent is on an inch of styrofoam


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info!

Temps are 70 with a 4" fan and carbon filter
Humidity is bouncing around 30 to 45

Tent is on an inch of styrofoam
If it were me, I would increase the temperature and humidity. I would want the temperature around 80 degrees and humidity around 65% or even a little higher right now.
What light source are you using?


Raising temperature and humidity might be difficult to increase. Cold basement sits at 64.

Tent is 2x4 and using a quantum board


Well-Known Member
Raising temperature and humidity might be difficult to increase. Cold basement sits at 64.

Tent is 2x4 and using a quantum board
Use a warm mist humidifier and an electric oil radiator. I would get an inexpensive controller that will run both for you. I like the Inkbird humidity/ temp controller, they are only $70 and mine has worked perfectly.
Using LEDs you should probably be at around 85 degrees. LED just doesn't have the oomph to deliver enough heat to the leaves on its own. So, additional heat will help out quite a bit.
Good luck friend!


6 day update. The yellowing of the tips is on most of the new growth.

I watered gradually with 2 l At a time and ramped it up to get the whole 7 gal Moist. Perhaps I've been under watering

Both soil mixes are doing the same thing.




Well-Known Member
Situation is not getting any better. Watered till a tiny bit of runoff. They sulked a bit

Yellowing is progressing on the sides of the leaves in spots.

Over all the plants look dark green with all new growth pail.

Don't know why the camera isn't picking up on it. Check it out
Have you tried raising or dimming your lights?


Well-Known Member
Ah. Light is 26" above and light was cranked

I've dimmed it down to approx 20k lux on a phone app
Young plants like that don't need much light until they get bigger. The first thing I'd do if I saw paler new growth with burnt leaf tips is just give less light. Light stress often confounds us because it can look like symptoms of nutrient deficiencies or toxicity, and cause all kinds of other weird issues like discolored and twisted leaves and stuff. Do try and get the rest of your environmental issues under control as well (humidity & temperature).


Turned down the ligh. And raised temp and humidity a bit. Work in progress.

Seem to look happier now.
Thanks for the info.

The 4 th plant that didn't make it to the tent is sitting under a weaker light and is doing great and still in the one gallon.


About to flip to flower.
Top dressed all 3 with 50/50.of the all purpose and bloom.

Noticed some browning on the promix/gaia pot.

Anything to worry about? And should I increase the lighting in one go or do it gradually?



Well-Known Member
Friggen Ca, def, shit lol. I hate it .
Usually when I see spots I think ph too low,sorry thats all i got.