I want to paint the outside of my house but it's always raining here. Will that ruin it if I try?
Like a...seafoam green I think. Or just white. It's this really terrible institutional blue right now.
The seafoam green is good. White trim and dark accents. I think we just had a heterosexual Jeff Lewis moment...
Project is still going on, I'm trying to pick carpet.
There's a lot in the Martha Stewart collection, also a very nice blood red carpet in the OJ Simpson collection.
I was wondering what happened to you. Get a lil vacation did ya?
they suspended my ass lol, just locked me outside like some kind of animal.
fuck em'
I figured as much, trying to play nice rocking a new avi?
nope, i have a feeling i'll be getting the full boot pretty soon.
the avatar is just for the lulz.
I figured it was more a "turn the knife" than "turn the cheek" kind of thing. Couldn't find that mugshot eh.
I don't even know what I did to get locked out... So it couldn't have been that bad. I'll just keep doing what I usually do.
Mods are just jealous because I have some serious gangsta skill.
people are touchy here
but dont blame all of us!
i think its tom foolery to lock someone out for anything said.
Honestly the thread shouldve been closed if anything.
(not stickied)
people are touchy here
but dont blame all of us!
i think its tom foolery to lock someone out for anything said.
Honestly the thread shouldve been closed if anything.
(not stickied)