Tips for Flowering


Active Member
i also heard that first two or 3 weeks to keep the veg ferts. than after first two week start the flower. is this true?


Well-Known Member
i also heard that first two or 3 weeks to keep the veg ferts. than after first two week start the flower. is this true?
I wouldn't suggest this. At day 14-21, you'll start to see some obvious flower clusters forming and depending on the strain, you'll see some resin production as well. Veg nutes are not designed to give the plant what it needs to produce nice flowers. If anything, give your plant veg nutes for maybe the first 2 waterings in flower, then switch to full on flower formulas. That being said, at day 1 in flower, I start the flower nutes.


Active Member
Damn those look pretty Im doing same strain from same place with OG Kush i got from a buddy +reps for plants


Active Member
i did the subcools mix. not all ingredients but similar. good potting soil from calloways all organic, added bone meal, blood meal, bat guano, and dolomite lime. also went very very light on some fox farm grow big, superthive, and teaspoon off hydrogen peroxide per gallon. (xtra element of oxygen helps during veg stage) and now doing my flower, according so subcools soil all you need is water and no nutes.( if you use all the ingredients) which i did not. This is my first grow but so far so good i think lol.... ANY COMMENTS??


Active Member
I wouldent use the peroxide as this will kill benifial bacteria and in organic growing, ya want the reactions of this ecosystem to feed the plants. so id get some benifical bacteria to help,


Active Member
you know what, i never thought about that. i read about this a long time ago. but i think your right it might have been with a hydro grow. i think imma stop this lol. it didnt seem to hurt it tho.


Active Member
It wont show pain like a nute prob, but if the benifiacal becteria die your wormcastings wont get broken down into food ya plant can use. yes its for chemical nutes in hydro as poroxide and bleach wont affect the chemical elements in small quantities but distroy any living organism, I would re-populate ya benificals wiv a bottle just to get the most out of subcool's mix :-)


Active Member
It wont show pain like a nute prob, but if the benifiacal becteria die your wormcastings wont get broken down into food ya plant can use. yes its for chemical nutes in hydro as poroxide and bleach wont affect the chemical elements in small quantities but distroy any living organism, I would re-populate ya benificals wiv a bottle just to get the most out of subcool's mix :-)
I didnt get the last of your message. you would re popullate what???

And Jakeman i did let it sit for 30 days...


Well-Known Member
In flowering, I use 50% veg fert and 50% bloom nutes the 1st 2 weeks of flowering. I find I will have N deficiency's if I don't continue adding at a higher rate early on. Different strains, such as sativas may need less N anyway but my indica needs its N for supreme health.