tips for flowering?


Well-Known Member
sure, look for one with high P and K and no or little N.

I know them big centers here where you both can buy building stuff, paint, wood, aso. also have a garden department, look for basic nutrients, tomato nutrients often come close ..

see if you can find sumthing like 1-5-3 or similar, numbers is not so important as the amount compared to each other .. fist number (N) need to be low

see if you can find sum thing organic


Well-Known Member

if you go to the center and have the money and you spot some Dolomite Lime and its cheap, go for it..

us it as a top dressing (1-2 te spoon`s) on top of your soil before you water, once, maybe twice with a few weeks in between..

so not much needed..

will help a soil that contain a lot of nuts keep a steady PH and provide cilium and other trace elements .. I like to mix in a few spoon in my soil mix to start out with, both in my veg and flowering pots, but top dressing also works ..

this will specially help a cheap soil or a soil with a low PH and like Molasses, a cheap way to help your plants, to a trouble free growth ..

beside NPK weed also need Ca and MG specially and also other trace elements like copper, zink, bor, iron aso.

do some research ..