tips of fan leavs curling down


Well-Known Member
I have ran into a lot of problems due to my PH being too high before I figured out that if your PH is right on, the chance of your plants getting sick or being stunted during flower is almost 0,,, although I had to learn the hard way,,,,,,, When I went to buy PH up,the guy said (your going to need the big one) I sais no way, he said,,youll thank me later, and I did....:leaf:


Active Member
well the look pretty crispy today....Im gonna give it another day, and then trim the dead leaves. I really didn't think it would be this challenging to make all the way to the end. but, this is my second grow and it appears I fucked up again:wall:

I dont understand why the nutes fried it, if I was feeding them nutes the whole time. was it a lack of flushing? well maybe I will have better luck at hydro! I have white widow, ice, and white rhino, ak-48, going in my DWC, they are about 16 days old

will these continue to produce bud if I trim a substantional number of fan leaves off????


Well-Known Member
okay...this "the dirt always looks dry when I water" was a dead giveaway. i better get high to make myself feel better. late


Well-Known Member
I've had the same problem! It was weird because the leaves weren't drooping except for the tips. The plant looked green and healthy but that was just bothering me. I read a lot of threads with some valuable information that I will try..