tips of leaves, brown, drying, crumbley


hello, this is my first time growing and so far reffering to this site for advice has done me great. I am having some issues with my plant. The tips of the leaves are wilting and turning brown, the discoloring seems to be spreading inward from the tips as you may be able to notice on my pictures, there are some leaves crumbling away, some with just the brown tips. The clone came to me in this condition and I thought it would soon receed, but there are no signs of that. New leaves coming in are following the same pattern
The plant is recieving about 16-18 hours of light per day.
humidity is very low, i am inland in southern cali, usually about 25%.

Through some research I came to the conclusion that this problem is either due to too much or not enough nutes. I am using happy frog organicc, straight from humboldt county, which is apparently packed with nutes. The hydroponics clerk told me i wouldn't need anything extra for a little while. I hope to recieve a good diagnosis of the problem and advice if anyone has it to offer. I just flushed the plant and am contemplating my next step, same soil with added nutes, or mix the soil with some less potent stuff to decrease the nutes.
thank you, infinite love.



Well I just flushed....
so if it worsens it wasn't enough nutes?
if it gets better it was too much?

that's pretty much what i got.

also after the flush, will the plant be cool in that sopping wet soil if it continues draining?