Tips of leaves starting to turn yellow on 1 of 2 plants


Well-Known Member
I woke this morning to notice how on my sour cream the tips are starting to get yellow. I just took these pictures. I'm thinking heat stress because it's starting to stretch and I measured about an inch from the cfl bulbs. I lowered the plant to see if that would help but I'm still not sure. I watered them last night. I don't think I over watered them. I only gave each plant about a cup and a half. I'm not using any nutes. Plants are in FFOF soil, 3 gallon grow bags.



Looks like your over reacting. They are still very small. Over watering does not cause yellowing of the leaves. What could cause this is deficiency or heat/bleach from the bulb. Ether way I would w8 for a new leaf set before taking any drastic measures. Some times my clones get 1 little yellow end but get healthy 2 days later.

If you think your lamp is to close move it a little but other wise I would just w8 and see. This does not look bad at all.



A cfl probably isn't going to put out enough heat to cause any stress, unless it is one of the larger/higher wattage bulbs. Put your hand an inch or so from the bulb, if it feels hot and is too uncomfortable for you to leave your hand there for several seconds then it is too hot to be that close to the plant. Otherwise, that definitely isn't your problem.

To me it looks like slight nutrient burn. This could be from the Ocean Forest. Plenty of people are going to say that FFOF couldn't possibly burn a seedling, because it has never happened to them, or whatever; but it really does contain a lot of organic fertilizers. Whether it might potentially burn a seedling or not, I recommend not starting seeds in it simply because seedlings don't need such a rich soil at this stage. It is just more appropriate, in my opinion, to start them in a soil-less mix first and then transplant into something like Ocean Forest when they have a more developed root system.

Just keep them humid and make sure it isn't getting any worse.