Tips of leaves yellowing on 2 week old plant


Active Member
Hi this is my first grow and I am having some problems my plant is about 6 inches tall and has 6 leaves. the 2 leaves on the top are turning yellow at the tips.

Lighting- im using a 70w HPS setup (only growing 1 plant) that is about 6 inches away from top of plant but i have put my hand under and it dosent seem very hot

i was recently out of town for 2 days and forgot to water the day i left so it was there 3 days without water. please help.

PS: my plant was from seed and the leaves are kind of pointed up so im suspecting streching?


Well-Known Member
can u get a pic? could be 10 differnt things, perhaps the light is too intense? most fert,soil and PH issues start at the bottom pair of leaves...a picture can tell 1,000 words


Active Member
ok i went down to look at my setup and realized the light was 4 inches away from my plant lol so i moved it up to 8 inches away and put my hand under and there was only a little heat im hoping this solves my problem


Well-Known Member
You want you lights has close has possible,get your fan so it is blowing across the top of your plants cannapy have the light so harf the fan is under the light this will take away excess heat.the wattige of light you are useing if your grow area is set up right you should be able to have them sitting nearly on the top of the top section of the plants.the main part about getting a good yeied is not to waste the have the lights to far away and you will get the plants streching,the leaves curling[canoeing]is normaly caused by heatstress but if you do higher lower a little every day this way the plants will get used of the light been near.on your next grow have the light inces of the top of the plans this way they will become accustom to the don't wanna be no more than 6/7 ince away.


Active Member
ok so i checked on my plant this morning and the leaves dont look like their streching they have relaxed and look normal plant looks good except for still a little yellow on leaves


Well-Known Member
the leaves are supposed to look like they are strecthing a bit. maximum surface area for light. it is the stalk you dont want stretching too much internodely