tips of pistols look burnt

Hi all. Im into week 4 of flower(+1 week preflower) and im noticing that the very tips of some of the hairs look like they are singed or burnt. Strangely its the lower buds more than the top ones so i dont think its the light being too low. Also the branches have gone a dark red.
Im pretty sure this is too much or too little of something but not sure what.
Using plagron cocos a&b and green sensation and following dosage guides. ph is ok and using settled rain water.
Anyone come across this before? is it safe to flush them with just water at the right ph for a day or two? thanks


Active Member
Yes it is safe to flush. I don't think burnt pistols would bother me. Need a picture. Leaves look good? I wouldn't worry to much. The branches getting red dose sound like it might be something. Might be something locking out? If you intuition is to flush, then I say give it one VERY good flush. I am not familiar with the ferts you are using but the plants need there next watering I would start-up on a feeding schedule that I know worked for me in the past.


Active Member
The red stems/branches could be a Phosphor deficiency. Cause unknown... Could be deficient or locked out by an imbalance in ferts or ph. Do you test the ph and ppm of solution you add to you plants?


Well-Known Member
the pistils are dying naturally, it happens all throughout flowering basically, old pistils/caylxes die and new ones are made. thats why its started lower on the plant, thats most likely where the oldest flowers reside.


Active Member
True about the pistils. The red stems unless a genetic attribute to this strain could be showing nute deficiency. If it is only showing in the new or older leaves (part of the plant) then I believe it is signs of nute deficiency. Could be cause by many factors. I see this often when taking cuttings. When the pant is recovering and starting to grow many times I have the red stems show up until the plant stabilizes and gets strong. Seems the stems that turned red stay that way but all new growth returns to normal. Nice green stems again. Ive had mature plants start to turn stems red and found if I remember correctly it to be a Phosphor deficiency caused by a salt lockup. If growing in a coco I've heard it good to add something like cal/mag.


Well-Known Member
the red/purple color can be caused by cold temps or genetics or a nute def(but i really dont think that is the *problem* u see, whats your ferts n-p-k? does it contain micronutrients?) What are your dark period temps? to flush run 3 times as much water as soil in the container through it(ie-a 1 gallon pot requires approx 3 gallons of water),if your using tap water you should leave it sitting out for a day or two and the water should be ph'd


Active Member
Good to hear. How are they looking? Your almost another week along :) Wishing you a great harvest!