Tips on choosing highest yielding strain for a beginning patient

In a tent though you can constrain the height and flip the switch to 12 12. :D. I am so used to the tent i started bending my white rhinos in 25 gallon pots. A day later i thought WTF am i doing but it is already started. :) LOL
I can't access your grow journal chopped at day 82
Take some time to read up on a strains' history and lineage. Doing so will teach you about what expressions to look for if you're seeking yield.
I'm talking about diving in beyond just the name of a strain that a breeder dubbed... and instead learning about what attributes go into it. Is it an F1 polyhybrid? Is it an F1 IBL? Is it an F2 that was backcrossed to one of the parents?

This will help you better understand whether a strain is one you desire while you're reading the breeders description on a website.