Tips on growing ?

alright well this is my first post and shit .. so I am planning to grow , but i have low funds and I cant build a proper area for my plants too grow .

Can they still grow with just some fluorecent light bulbs ?
Do I need those high tech lights ?

any pointers or tips on how to grow for a broke man would be helpful too, thanks . : D


New Member
Youtube jorge cervantes ultimate grow 1 watch all the parts to the movie! give you a decent idea on what its all about!


Well-Known Member
Dont bother with the fluros, get a 150w HPS($70) and use it from start to finish, it stays cool and will give you a nice harvest.


Active Member
I agree with BUDS. Metal Halide or HPS is the way to go if you can manage the cost. These are the 'high tech' lights you referred to. There is a little bit to learn but they are not difficult to use. Overall they give the best results and the most bud for your buck. You can do it quite a bit cheaper if you buy a ballast kit and put it together yourself, but that's not for everyone.

The easiest and cheapest way to get something going is to use CFLs, compact flourescents. Those bulbs made of a spiral tube that screw into a regular house socket. For $20 you can get a couple of hundred watts of cfl and the sockets and get a small harvest. Wiring them up is no different than setting up an ordinairy light bulb. You will have to learn a little bit about cfls - not all types give good results. When discussing cfl wattages we are talking about the actual power consumption. Manufacturers like to rate their cfls in equivalent incandescent watts. A 23W cfl might be rated as equivalent to a 100W incandescent. That's irrelevant to growing. It's a 23W bulb.


Well-Known Member
Be patient.

Don't love your plants to death.

Ask questions before you do something that is just a guess on your part.

Tell NO ONE about your grow.

Remember, it's a weed. It will grow almost in spite of you and your newbie efforts.

Good luck!

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
for a first grow i would go with cfls. with a hps you would need a cooltube maybe depending on your size of space.
im upgrding my grow box today and tomorrow for no charge. i made one from wood before that only costed about 60-70$ total to make and then yesterday i found a nightstand thing someone left for trash in my friends apartment and there wasnt really anything wrong with it so i took it and im just gonna move my lights and fans into the new one. its kinda small only 14x18x22

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Hmmm....put more emphasis on learning the plant than your harvest this round. Dont love them to death. Build or scavange a sufficiently sized box. A lot of people find an old speaker box to work well. You will need something for blooming in that is light proof. Flush your plants every 3 weeks, and most importantly, read read read. Download the grow bible if you can...its helpful
yeah im learning more about cannabis plants , and i have one cfl already, thats what i planned on using . ill plant my seeds soon and see how they turn out . thanks !