Tips on light proofing ?


Active Member
I wonder if someone could help with some light proofing tips. Basically my grow space is a wardrobe but the doors face a window and the window faces east so pretty much direct sunlight on it first thing in the morning, and the light can just get in round the cracks of the door etc. Before i've only just stuck to growing auto's so it hasn't been a problem but now i'm thinking about doing some normal strains etc. I've had a look round on e-bay at a few 'light proof' materials but not sure if there actually light proof so was just wondering if anyone can suggest something to use. Basically i want like a sheet or something that i just velcro around the door that i can take on and off when i need too. By the way i'm in the uk so if your gonna paste e-bay links probably best to use the uk ebay cos stuff they sell in america can't always get over here.


Active Member
i always use a thick black non-toxic plastic you can find at any hardware store. completely lightproof and very inexpensive. the one i get comes in a roll that is 10'x25' for around 15 bucks. just grab some velcro tabs while youre at the hardware store and youre good to go! good luck and aloha!


Well-Known Member
Cover the inside of your door way with a loose layer of panda film/plastic. Then use velcro tape on the sides of the outside doorway while draping the door with a second more tight layer of panda film and cover your door up that way.


Active Member
they make polyethylene that is black on one side and white on the other. that with a gorilla tape seal is what i use. gorilla tape is important, one piece is like four layers of duct tape as far as light-proofing goes


Active Member
two questions what is panda film ? and what is gorilla tape ? never heard of them. Is gorilla tape like duct tape? I've been looking at these on e-bay and - do you think any of these would do the job? I've got two hardware stores near me but they don't really stock things like sheets of plastic it's mainly paint and garden stuff oh and flooring :( stupid Britishs shops!


Well-Known Member
what type of door is on the closet? If it is a standard door, just add weather stripping and then put a door sweep on at the bottom. You will need to make an alternative arrangement for air exchange.


Active Member
It's just a standard double door wardrobe thing with draws on the bottom (which my clothes are in so i'll need to be able to access that still)


Well-Known Member
THe weather strip idea is likely less cumbersome to deal with like velcro when we say weather strip, we mean foam adhesive strips


Active Member
yeah might have too look into, would they be easy to take off after i've finished, so after i've finished i can turn it back into a normal wardrobe ?


Active Member
the black plastic in hardware stores will most likely be in the garden section. it comes in a roll, designed for weatherproofing, insulating, and light proofing. people also use it to lay over garden beds to prevent weeds


Active Member
i've got some white and black maylar laying around from an old make shift grow tent, if i double that over it's pretty light proof, but when they say no light leaks does it mean not even any pin pricks of light ?
two things i've done is black and white poly its 5.5mil thick and it works great. also you can get black out canvis its silver reflective on one side and black on the other use a staple gun and some ductape and it should be good


Active Member
a pin prick of light is alright as long as there isnt a frickin spotlight on the other side of the hole.... if that were the case plants wouldnt flower under any moonlight. the amount of light given off by the moon is acceptable.


Active Member
Okay, I get it now, sorry my next grow is gonna be my first time growing normal plants (not auto's) so just making sure i've got the whole darkness period thing covered, so hopefully won't have any problems, gonna do some experimenting tomorrow with the maylar i got left over.


Active Member
I had the same problem with my 3x3 storage closet I'm using. 1st I tried trash bags, then a sheet, which still bled light. Finally I got one of those mover's blankets for $6 at a local tool supply store (Harbor Freight) and it works like a dream! It works so good that I freaked out a few days later. I came home from my night shift and thought the lights blew out on me cause I didn't see that little light leaking out I had gotten used to. BTW, I fastened them w/ a staple gun. (LOVE THAT THING!)