Tips on my setup ideas


I am a newbie to indoor and i have many questions for the gurus but a few at a time.......a small setup.....2'x2' flower room (hgt is negotiable) with a 250w hps is this gonna be enough space for 4 plants in ten inch pots? i am doing soil cause its all i know for now obviously gonna have to keep plants small

is the flower time shorter because the plants are smaller or will it still take the same amount of time to bud
how much can i expect them to grow once i bud them

i can calculate the size and cycles of my mother/clone/veg room accordingly once i figure out how long it will take in the flower room from start to harvest

thats one thing nice about electricity with the best bulbs and no size constraints!!!! (damn deer)

.......any help here would be great and much appreciated....thanks


Well-Known Member
Plants grow/mature at vastly different rates. It's impossible to state anything about 'random genetics' with any degree of certainty.


ok so say 3' by 3' with the 250w hps....after doing some more reading some people say that it can effectively cover that 9 sq ft but then that is only like 3,000 lumens a square foot at the that enough? with the 2' by 2' i was talking like 7,000 lumens per sq ft and i thought that was "optimal" i say because i already have the light so i might as well use what i got for right now thanks for the input


Well-Known Member
Yes, depending on the light source 1500-2500 lumens per square foot is plenty adequate(not optimal).