tired of the bashing and paranoia... are you?


Well-Known Member
i very rarely rant.. and usually dont do it outside of being drunk... but i felt like i needed to get a few things that have been bothering me off my chest.. and to see if i am the only one that feels this way...

over the last few months i have seen a sick increase in threads meant to bash specific members.. threads that are meant to cause mass paranoia... and all to many threads that are just pointless.. in fact i read one about someone saying they have nice balls and "just ask for pics if you want to see"...

what the fuck is going on??

it seems over these last few months things have gone from weed to middle school bitching and fighting.. i find myself getting little joy posting much outside of my journal because its seems that the quality of posts has dropped... or at least these posts are every where i look...

now i am in NO way saying anything bad about RIU.. nor am i calling anyone out or trying to make this personal to anyone.. i just dont understand it... whats the point?? or am i just noticing it more and more as i am around the site more and more?? maybe its just a standard trend and i am just starting to see it... or maybe it is an increase in these types of posts/threads... i am just tired of seeing them all over the place....

i guess i dont have to read them... i could just skip over them... but for what ever reason it gets to me... and i do read them.. and sometimes even post in them... i try not to... to let them just die... but when its every where you look i find it hard to ignore all the time...


Well-Known Member
Ok dude…. Hey I just noticed that you joined in April and have over 3200 posts… So I did some math
3200/4=800 that is how many post you do in a month that means you do about 27 a day without a break, that’s a lot of work. Do you get paid? Anyways, yeah I don’t really care about the paranoia bull shit because I don’t have anything to worry about. “The only thing to fear is fear itself” I live and will die by this saying.


just a bunch of dumb ass kids trying to learn to grow pot...and are assholes in the process.


Well-Known Member
A longtime ago I did a post about how bull shit it was that kids where receiving advice from adults about how to grow. You can tell that there are a lot of young people around this place and I for one feel that they should really get to know who they are before they start getting into growing. Reason for this; I was young dumb once and realized later on in life that even though I thought I was always right, in all reality I was more wrong than anything. A lot of the kids in this place want to grow marijuana in their parents’ house, and that is bull shit. They don’t take into account what the consequences are of them taking such dangerous chances. So yeas your right there is a shit ton of immature little brats up in this hood. What can we do about it? Not a damn thing, because they come and go in groves. So good luck dude.


Well-Known Member
Yeah don’t get me wrong dude, I know there is always bigger and better. I am just saying that it is a lot for me just to get 10 post in on a good day, let alone 3200 in just 4 months. Its coo that dude is so active though. He must type faster than a speeding bullet. I bet his keyboard is scared of his fingers :-D

Thats nothing. Just go to boards.ign.com and see some of those members post count and signup dates.


Active Member
my friends, i hit this bowl for you.
take it easy and smoke some pot grow your ladies and stop bickering = )


Well-Known Member
Ok dude…. Hey I just noticed that you joined in April and have over 3200 posts… So I did some math
3200/4=800 that is how many post you do in a month that means you do about 27 a day without a break, that’s a lot of work. Do you get paid? Anyways, yeah I don’t really care about the paranoia bull shit because I don’t have anything to worry about. “The only thing to fear is fear itself” I live and will die by this saying.
no.. i dont get paid...

im not worried about the paranoia or anything.. just making a point that its not needed and usually just starts much more paranoia...

I havent seen these threads?
Where are they?
they show up a lot in the general marijuana and newbie central boards.. i try to stay in these to help out new growers as much as i can.. and as i said, sometimes i get pulled into those threads trying to set things right and keep people calm.. maybe i worry about it too much...

A longtime ago I did a post about how bull shit it was that kids where receiving advice from adults about how to grow. You can tell that there are a lot of young people around this place and I for one feel that they should really get to know who they are before they start getting into growing. Reason for this; I was young dumb once and realized later on in life that even though I thought I was always right, in all reality I was more wrong than anything. A lot of the kids in this place want to grow marijuana in their parents’ house, and that is bull shit. They don’t take into account what the consequences are of them taking such dangerous chances. So yeas your right there is a shit ton of immature little brats up in this hood. What can we do about it? Not a damn thing, because they come and go in groves. So good luck dude.
we are all aware of the kids... and your right.. there is nothing that can be done... they will get on here if they want... and usually somewhere along the line they let the fact they are kids slip out and things are dealt with.. i guess this post was more directed towards the adults that act like children..

i wont pretend i havent gotten shitty with people.. or posted shitty posts.. but they always are on point with the subject... but starting threads like "lets bash so and so" or "so and so is a snitch" my personal favorite one "RIU is selling us out/being monitored" a little part of me does get pissed... these things have nothing to do with or arent needed on here.. they either start a wave of paranoia for new memebers who really want to learn and could be scared away due to their "safety being compromised", or they just start a thread of a lot of people bashing each other and talking shit that leads to someone or multiple people getting banned, suspended, or having their name drug through the mud.. i suppose when you get a large group of strangers together eventually there will be personality conflicts that cant be avoided.. and thats ok.. i just am saying i personally am tired of reading them... and was simply stating how i felt about things and looking to know if i was the only one..

my friends, i hit this bowl for you.
take it easy and smoke some pot grow your ladies and stop bickering = )
im really not bickering or fighting with anyone.. if i am the only one who feels this way then ill stand alone and shut my mouth.. i dont mind that... as i said.. i was stating my own personal feelings on things.. and just wanted to know if i was alone on this or is this is something i didnt notice in the beginning because i was searching through helpful threads while skipping over these threads, but they are always and have always been present..

thanks for the smoke tho.... nice to know someones tributing a bowl hit somewhere in the world just for me... makes me feel special... bongsmilie

this could count has a pointless thread to though.
its relevant to the site and what i see on it.. i also made sure i posted it in the toke and talk section where about anything goes.. if you want to count it pointless thats fine.. and im a subject to my own scrutiny and complaints.. which case you can call me a hypocrite.. and i guess in a way the others have to do with the site as well... but i would much rather read "so and so gives great advice.. he saved my plants" than "so and so is a bitch" or "lets talk shit about so and so"... the riu is being watched and other paranoia starting threads should go without saying they arent needed...

this thread is bashing bashing.lol

hey bro, thats a hard thing to do.. it takes talent to talk shit about talking shit... bongsmilie

i hope you guys get my point of this thread... im trying to rally some positiveness around here and just do a small part in trying to eliminate some of the bullshit that is day to day....


Ok dude…. Hey I just noticed that you joined in April and have over 3200 posts… So I did some math
3200/4=800 that is how many post you do in a month that means you do about 27 a day without a break, that’s a lot of work. Do you get paid? Anyways, yeah I don’t really care about the paranoia bull shit because I don’t have anything to worry about. “The only thing to fear is fear itself” I live and will die by this saying.
hey isnt that from dune?