Titanium Dioxide, how much do i use per gallon of paint?


Well-Known Member
Well, I was going to go with bher titanium flat white paint, and I have bought 1lb of raw titanium dioxide dust. I plan on going to home depot tomorrow and wanted to know how much is appropriate to add to a gallon of paint, because obviously I want maximum reflectivity!

As well as reflectivity, I was also hoping I could add enough to cut down on the smell a bit (When exposed to UVB rays it acts as a photo-catalyst, generating o3), before my exhaust sends it to the carbon filter.

my room is 2x4x7

Any information would be helpful, thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
BUMP! Someone has to know this, after all I discovered CMH on this forum!!!!! Anyone???

How much weight of titanium dioxide should i mix in 1 gallon of paint?!?!


Well-Known Member
Well, the guy at home depot would not add any in the paint for me, as he said it would screw up its consistancy and make it not look as white. I couldnt tell him that I am not worried about visable light, so I got their most reflective paint on hand (Bher premium plus stuff).

My only other idea is to spread it as evenly as possible to the wet paint, aside cardboard and a blow dryer, does anyone have any idea's?

Why doesn't everyone use this stuff to get more reflectivity than Mylar at a fraction of the cost? Plus the bonus of a little odor elimination?

Ryo Imai

I just finished painting my closet with white paint mixed with Titanium Dioxide.

Paint: Valspar "Ultra White" semi-gloss / 1 gallon from Lowes

Added: 1 oz. of Titanium Dioxide powder ordered off Amazon

Mixed thoroughly with a long drill-bit paint mixer.

Result: Meh.

I did a before and after, side by side test on a scrap piece of lumber and I couldn't tell the difference.

The powder did change the consistency of the paint making it a bit thicker and gloopier. Had to throw away
the brush because the paint thinner couldn't dissolve it off.

White paint is already over 90% reflective and adding Titanium to it will increase that how much? A few % points?

It seems like a good idea but overall I don't really feel it was worth it.

Just get some plain white paint and roll with it. (no pun intended)

Peace out.


Well-Known Member
flat white closet paint for about $7 a gallon will work perfect. You will have left over and you can repaint every other grow if you want .