TJ BENZ- Stop Drug Overdoses Rap

howd you like the lyrics, flow, and video?
it flows fine, needs better mixing and vocal engineering, fix the "shout to build a bear workshop" line, and the "right before they od" hook just seems off. it doesnt match the upbeat sound, or maybe its vice-versa? what/how do you want the listener to feel? i think i understand what you're trying to do here, bring attention to a widespread problem, but i'm confused by the upbeat sound, with somewhat happy lyrics, and club dancing, about folks dying from od's. Hope you understand what im saying, cuz its all love brother, stay with it, just needs adjustments. First example that came to mind below

it flows fine, needs better mixing and vocal engineering, fix the "shout to build a bear workshop" line, and the "right before they od" hook just seems off. it doesnt match the upbeat sound, or maybe its vice-versa? what/how do you want the listener to feel? i think i understand what you're trying to do here, bring attention to a widespread problem, but i'm confused by the upbeat sound, with somewhat happy lyrics, and club dancing, about folks dying from od's. Hope you understand what im saying, cuz its all love brother, stay with it, just needs adjustments. First example that came to mind below

Thanks for the feedback man!
On a first listen through, I didn't connect with the lyrics. That's not necessarily a bad thing, either. I was tending to pay more attention to what the rhythm "section" was doing.
However, how does one differentiate themselves in HipHop these days, anyway?
