TMB's Yosemite Area 2010 Outdoor Grow

Thanks for the advice guys. Didn't know rippers were a problem up there. I think ill wait till June like you advise and then just throw a couple in the stream on my property. I don't live on the property, its just empty acrege with a year round creek and spring so nothing too elaborate. Thanks again.
7 out of 10 rippers and robbers that I have heard about in the last couple of years have been up in that region. Its like I could break California up into Cannabis growing zones based on acceptance and crime levels. Poverty and methamphetamine are running around up there hitting every where it can. It seems there are "safe methods in safe zones", and don't forget, most crops that are pulled are commercial (meaning the crop supplies a large group of people) or a major mistake was made in handling its security.

I was asked on the trip (yeah, I went with TLD) by many people if Yosemite was "even worth camping at". I couldn't believe it....... it was like they were asking for a comparison to camping at the state beaches. There are beaches on almost every continent and land mass on the planet. There is only 1 Yosemite, and the awe and splendor that is there is in a league of its own.

I extend warm welcome to those looking to visit Yosemite, and would like to remind you to make your reservations in advance, and see what you can do about working your way in with some locals. Nothing like going to Sals in Old ELP and then the river to drink some beer and enjoy some music with the locals before heading up into the valley to rest your head for the night. Might be surprised how many faces you recognize the next day as you explore the park......
I was asked on the trip (yeah, I went with TLD) by many people if Yosemite was "even worth camping at". I couldn't believe it....... it was like they were asking for a comparison to camping at the state beaches. There are beaches on almost every continent and land mass on the planet. There is only 1 Yosemite, and the awe and splendor that is there is in a league of its own.
I extend warm welcome to those looking to visit Yosemite, and would like to remind you to make your reservations in advance, and see what you can do about working your way in with some locals. Nothing like going to Sals in Old ELP and then the river to drink some beer and enjoy some music with the locals before heading up into the valley to rest your head for the night. Might be surprised how many faces you recognize the next day as you explore the park......

Well said my friend, another big smile on the face, that's why I'm here, killker things to do around every corner,...I mean bend.:lol:
I worked in the "weed cage" today getting it ready for May 1st when the mothers/clones go in. I removed the tall weed and crap that was growing inside, layed down some of that landscapers cloth to keep the weeds from popping up. I topped that with some road base gravel to make for a nice working area.
Tell me what you think!


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The Fall girls were sprayed with Neem oil to help with the spread of Powdery Mildew in the tent. Most have nothing, and others have it bad.
They have been kept inside due to the cold/wet weather this last week which doesn't help at all. Another big storm due to hit any time now. Another 1'-2' of snow expected. They say mid 60's by mid week, lets hope.
I went back to that fish store I spoke about in an earlier post and got some more fish parts. A full 5 gallon bucket worth. I dug another 15-20 holes with the post hole digger, about 2 feet deep, and tossed in a chunk of fish, filled half way, tossed in another chunk of fish, then filled with soil to the top. When I re-filled the hole, I would put the newly tilled up soil on the top foot of the garden into the hole first, so that good freshly tilled soil got down 2+ feet too.
I did this job on April 1st, so that's a full month to start decomposing before the "Fall Girls" go into the ground. A total of 30-40 holes were dug and fish put into, should be interesting.
Hey man I got a question. I'm going to do a similar setup outside and I wot be able to visit it for weeks at A time. What do you recomend for keeping them hydrated. A pump won't work... Where do you recommend me planting the plants? I have ponds and creeks on this land so I was wondering if planting close to one would be an option for watering. Also, what soil should I plant them in? I'm not looking for the best strain of weed, just some healthy plants that have a good harvest.
Hey man I got a question. I'm going to do a similar setup outside and I wot be able to visit it for weeks at A time. What do you recomend for keeping them hydrated. A pump won't work... Where do you recommend me planting the plants? I have ponds and creeks on this land so I was wondering if planting close to one would be an option for watering. Also, what soil should I plant them in? I'm not looking for the best strain of weed, just some healthy plants that have a good harvest.
Hello Empire-
Thanks for checking in.
I would use a 55 gallon drum up a hill with a valve plumbed in at the bottom. Attach a battery operated timer to the valve and attach a hose to the other end of the timer. Run the hose down the hill to your garden and then to a drip system. I used this technique on a grow I did years ago off a dirt road. I would re-fill the 55 gallon tank using a truck, another 55 gallon tank in the truck, and hoses. I would sneak out and re-fill my reservoir. I had a hose buried close to the dirt road. Pull up, attach hose, drain into the tank down the hill, detach hose, and be gone. The system worked like a charm.
Good Luck
Ok thanks. And what about the planting location? I would think close to a creek would have water in the dirt... But on the other hand maybe not....
You can plant anywhere you want just as long as it's downhill from your 55 gallon water storage. If you have 5 plants, and they drank 2 gallons each a week, that's 10 gallons a week, or 5 plus weeks of water. Of course as the plants get bigger they will require more water. If they drank up 5 gallons of water each a week, that's 25 gallons a week, you'll be good for 2+ weeks.
I use Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil. I mix in Kellogg's soil from Home Depot and perlite to make my soil dollar go further. Fox Farms here cost $14+tax for 1.5 cu ft. Kellogg's from Home Depot is $7-$8 for 3 cu ft. So you get twice the Kelloggs' for half the price.
Alot of people i know had a big problem with using FF OF outside. Animals dig up the soil due to the smell of fish. Your lucky man. The only time i got away with this is when i grew next to my buddy's house. We filled a hole with one whole bag straight and LST'd the hell out of it its whole life. It was my largest yielding plant ever with a little over 8oz of fluffy sativa.:leaf:
Yes the Weed Cage makes me sleep better at night, no doubt about that. I buried a bunch of fish scraps in the garden the last few weeks. I have been working in other stuff all spring. All kinds of stinky shit goes into that garden for sure, and never an issue with animals.
I have motion detectors, and 2 wireless video cameras down there and I have seen, Cats, Dogs, Deer, Bobcats, Raccoons, Skunks, and a Possum lurking around the weed cage, but none has made it in so far, knock on wood. It's cemented around the bottom of the cage 6" up the chain link, so nothing can get under either.
The last photo was from last years grow, note no cement on the bottom yet in that photograph. It was up before we harvested last year. Notes on that picture said it was taken 8-1-09.


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My May 1st date of putting the girls into the ground/garden is not going to happen. I've been doing a bit of research about Moon Phases and when it is best to plant your garden. The "Waxing moon" (when moon is getting bigger) is the best time to plant above ground producing plants. They say bigger yields, healthier plants, and many other benefits planting in this moon phase.
They say it's best between the "Crescent Moon and first quarter moon". The new moon is April 14th, the first quarter moon is April 21st. So my garden will be planted between April 18th to April 21st, with 4-20 being the most likely date (I want to keep that good Ju Ju going too, can't hurt). So everybody who was thinking of putting their garden in on 4/20 is an excellent idea.
My May 1st date of putting the girls into the ground/garden is not going to happen. I've been doing a bit of research about Moon Phases and when it is best to plant your garden. The "Waxing moon (when moon is getting bigger) is the best time to plant above ground plants. They say bigger yields, healthier plants, and many other benefits planting in this moon phase.
They say it's best between the "Crescent Moon and first quarter moon. The new moon is April 14th, the first quarter moon is April 21st. So my garden will be planted between April 18th to April 21st, with 4-20 being the most likely date (I want to keep that good Ju Ju going too, can't hurt). So everybody who was thinking of putting their garden in on 4/20 is an excellent idea.

Very very good info man! I have always wanted to look into this. So this works everywhere? Like PA, NY , Vermont? I can just look when my new moon is an the quarter moon is and plant in between. Thanks for the info and helping out your fellow growers. For last last few years i have been planting the weekend of 4.20 so this works out well for me.bongsmilie
Hello All-
Things are looking good around here with the clones/mothers for the garden.,,I think.
My son was in a Basketball tournament Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I've been taking the girls outside everyday to let them soak up the natural sun.
On Friday I left the exhaust/intake fans on in the grow shed because I wasn't going to be home to put the girls away at 6:00pm like I have been, they had to go into the shed at 3:00pm and for the remainder of the weekend. And if the fans were left off, it would get to hot in there. So I asked my wife to zip up the grow tent, and turn off the bottom breaker on my breaker box at 8:00pn when the girls went to sleep. I got home, went to the shed, turned the breaker back on, and adjusted the fan back to it's regular schedule.
I open the veg tent when the flower girls lights are on so there's extra air moving around in the tent. The next day we got home later then expected, I asked my wife if she closed the veg tent, she said yes, i did everything. I was exhausted from the long ass day of traveling and basketball, so nothing registered then.
This morning I went to feed the girls before our day of travel and basketball. When I went into the shed, the lights in the veg tent were off. WHAT THE FUCK!
They should come on at 3:30 am and off at 8:00pm. O shit!, what's up?
My wife switched the breaker off again and the veg lights are on the same circuit. The switching off of the circuit breaker was a 1 time thing since I had no time to mess with it on Friday. She didn't realize that and shut the breaker down thinking she was doing the right thing.
They got 14 hours of darkness that night, not good. So everything is back on schedule and lets hope for the best.
Sounds good brother. They shouldn't get messed-up with just one long night. Should be good to go!

I just turned mine back to 17hrs a day, today.

Good Luck, I can't wait to see what happens this year!:eyesmoke:

Hello all-
Long time since I updated, going to be a very busy week.
I was unable to get the girls into the ground on 4/20 due to weather. Raining and cold on 4/20, with highs in the 40's the last 2 days. Tomorrows expected high is 55, and 69 on Friday. So 4/23 will be the day the girls go into the ground. The moon will still be in the "waxing" phase (full moon 4/29), so I should be good.
I bought 5 bags of Bio Bizz All Mix, 7 bags of Fox Farms Ocean Forest, Per-lite 4 cubic ft, 2 bags of Kellogs Enrich compost, chicken shit compost. Everything will be mixed together in a cement mixer along with the treated existing soil that's in the garden. I also have another bucket of fish to use when I plant on Friday.
I'll be back soon with photos.