TMSeeds GROW! Durban and OG Kush crossed with White Widow


Well-Known Member
So, I am thinking about a week and a half n flowering is gonna start. Temps are still hot outside n I am too cheap to run a ac unit so, lights are def. gonna run like 8p.m.-8a.m.. Getting excited about the grow now, these girls are gonna be solid (hoping for my big blue lemonades to root soon since they were taken from a flowering bush).


Well-Known Member
More pictures to come today! These beasts are really getting going now. Super excited as the days go, amazing how quick they are too! I ended up only keepin one of my Big Blues so we will see what is to come of this single girl I brought from CO to Vegas!


Well-Known Member
mine keep swelling too, giga is bigger then my forearm ..... still @ 2 weeks to finish. got all the durban/widow seeds into cups, now the waiting game to see what sprouts up. :)


Well-Known Member
Man that has got to be some seriously huge buds Eyecandi! I cannot wait to get back to CO in November!


Well-Known Member
Been trying to find my regular camera to no avail.... Going to have to use my stupid phone again for some updated pics, they are all around 5-6 inches tall as of now! Thinking next monday is the switch on light cycle. Should be close to 10-12 inches by then! Taking pics now to upload...


Well-Known Member
don't want to hijack your thread bro, let me know if you want me to limit additions

durban x widow seeds
Durban x Widow seeds (1).jpgDurban x Widow seeds (2).jpg

COKush x Window (giga pheno) @ day 61 (week 8, expected to finish @ week 9-10)
Widow x COKush Aug2011 (1).jpg

giga is on the right. to the left of her, with the green bamboo stake is Qrazy Train x Chernoble 1st female tester (TGA cross from the chef)
Widow x COKush Aug2011 (2).jpg


Well-Known Member
Post away all you want man! Looks amazing, cannot wait to have some good size buds over here sprouting off everywhere! And it keeps me updated on what is to come in my own garden!


Well-Known Member
I can really see the personalities of all the plants now.. The Kush/Widow cross is by far the most vigorous! It handles topping like a champ. The Durban/Widow cross is a mix. One of them took well to it and the other seems more like it wants to be just a gigacola! Still growing all around very fast and healthy! Noticing a slight smell now, about time to bust a filter out and get covered.


Well-Known Member
Today is a day of up potting to bigger pots! Off to the shitty selection of hydro stores to find some adequate soil( I am way to picky about my soil). May have to use some FFOF because that is all I see in Vegas hydro stores..... I miss my Colorado soooooo bad..


Well-Known Member
not sure what you are using for the pot itself, but I HIGHLY recommend using airpots (fabric pots, any type will do). I've tested multiple strains and crops over the past year (standard sidewall pots, airpots, auto-pots), and hands down they beat anything else for soil grows.


Well-Known Member
I tried some air pots and totally agree. I am strapped for cash at the moment on buying more materials so using typical pots for now:(. Bummer


Well-Known Member
lol, me 2 bro. still 1/2 my grow is in standard pots. airpots aren't cheap, but well worth it and reusable. we made @ 130 of em from pond underlayment material, Home Depot carried it near the pond liner in rolls for $99 .... kept cost under $1/each, but a LOT of time to cut and sew that many.


Well-Known Member
Super growth over night! Inches for sure, like at least 3" on most! Got to love when you re-pot and start flowering.