The Russet and Broad mite is the size of the diameter of a White fly's
Even 60x isn't doing a good job of making them visible!
There is no mites. plants are growing fast and look great And I cannot see any mites with my 60x-120x pocket microscope!

I know that guy!
FORGET about TMV and cannabis.
THAT (in his pictures) IS classic Broad/Russet mite damage. Rather advanced too!
FORBID 4 F is the best solution for them.
Imid based insecticides do work (Merit 75) but, are systemic and toxic to people far,far more then FORBID.
Your going to have to sanitize the shit out of that growing area too! EVERY SURFACE and include all the things in it and under them too!
Those are not expressing variegation.
Variegated is a kinda common genetic trait in some plants. It does happen with cannabis.
Some say it reduces the effective photosynthesis in plants. I'm not part of that belief group.
It's not considered a "mutation."
Treat for the micro mites and sanitize the grow!