TNB CO2 mini tanks?

I’m not even going to humor this. These forums are meant for asking questions. This is a very relevant question. People shouldn’t have to fear asking a question. Not asking questions,..acting like you know everything, the worst mistake one could make. Thanks for the pleasant “good morning”
..if you start watching at about 1:50 into the video, you will see why I asked the question and why your original reply was completely irrelevant. You just woke up looking for an argument. Could have avoided all this “well known cherished member”
I too was just looking into Co2 mini tanks.. I don't have any experience with using them. I was kinda wondering how long a mini would last, (weeks, months). If you end up getting one let me know how it works out for ya.
Oh, and 1 more thing, SORRY for trying to save you a headache. guess im just a big asshole.LMFAO
Agreed.self reflection can sometimes be the most valuable thing you experience. You have been nothing but an asshole from your first response. There is no need for acronyms like search the fucking earth engine. I’m a seasoned grower, and I by no means want to come off as a know it all,..but what is your objective...?..bc you haven’t helped or responded to one bit. You’ve been attacking me or defending yourself which is a sign or an insicure person,..and if that’s the case,..I apologize
i also notice, and I’m sure you notice bc your a well known member,...nobody is advocating for your arrogance. Even if I was a new grower,..that all the more reason to be nice,..not an asshole like you claimed
I too was just looking into Co2 mini tanks.. I don't have any experience with using them. I was kinda wondering how long a mini would last, (weeks, months). If you end up getting one let me know how it works out for ya.
That’s all I was asking. Look at my original post. This dude lost his shit right off the get go for some reason. Where are the monitors at?
that guy is an idiot, he is a product pusher. he mentions nothing of temperature,humidity and c02 levels, he says to push 1500. that is wrong. He never mentions c02 is not needed at night.
Lmao, I feel sorry for you dude. Not really. I hope the worst for you. But sarcastically, I hope the worst for your garden. You’re the type that just won’t listen to common sense,...much like my father. He thinks like you too. I’ve only been growing for five years, but I’ve been unemployed those five years so I did my research. When I ask a question on this site,’s not bc I didn’t’s because I want to hear testimonies
you're off the handle asshole, Not using the right equipment is a waste of time and you don't want to hear that. your product is shit, you must work for them the way you got all upset.LMFAO :dunce::dunce:
I wish lmao, I wish you had more to do than spend your days writing back to me, still unhelpful responses lmao. What your issue here. I’m not allowed to ask questions or what. Do you really think that I work for tnb and grow my own personal ONE PLANT LMAO. I’m writing back to you know bc I have three days off from “life/work/. You need to find a hobby buddy
All your threads seem to end up the same way. At some point you need to ask yourself what is the common denominator?
I wish lmao, I wish you had more to do than spend your days writing back to me, still unhelpful responses lmao. What your issue here. I’m not allowed to ask questions or what. Do you really think that I work for tnb and grow my own personal ONE PLANT LMAO. I’m writing back to you know bc I have three days off from “life/work/. You need to find a hobby buddy
Didn't you just say you were unemployed for 5 years? You need to get a job buddy.
Lmao, I feel sorry for you dude. Not really. I hope the worst for you. But sarcastically, I hope the worst for your garden. You’re the type that just won’t listen to common sense,...much like my father. He thinks like you too. I’ve only been growing for five years, but I’ve been unemployed those five years so I did my research. When I ask a question on this site,’s not bc I didn’t’s because I want to hear testimonies
bro you seem like an epic asshole and you're probably one of the 500 sponsors this snake oil salesman recruited on yt and insta to make it seem like ppl use this trash. the dude you jumped on was 100% correct in his simple statement and he wasn't even being rude, you are, so fuck yourself because he was trying to save this dude the headache and pass on some knowledge which is more than we can say for you or the tbn natural shills out there. the fucking clown is teeling ppl to run it in a grow tent lolol, that is all you need to know to know he is a scammer. yes the product gives off C02 but that doesnt mean anything lol. even in the demo he literally sets the sensor on top of the fucking bottles nozel, not near it literally on top of it in a fanless room.
this product is the biggest scam i have seen in the community
and yes this is a necro post...that's how big of an asshole i thought you were after reading your verbal diarhea
Honestly there is a lot more to Co2 than most are led to believe. I can say without explaining the whole process that this is a money grab gimmick. Its not the consumers fault its the sellers that are trying to make money off well intention people by misleading them. Save your money.
Honestly there is a lot more to Co2 than most are led to believe. I can say without explaining the whole process that this is a money grab gimmick. Its not the consumers fault its the sellers that are trying to make money off well intention people by misleading them. Save your money.
pretty much what i was trying to say :)
anyone telling you to slap a bottle of fungi or mycellium in a tent and then tells you you are now using C02 effectively is trying to steal you rmoney
pretty much what i was trying to say :)
anyone telling you to slap a bottle of fungi or mycellium in a tent and then tells you you are now using C02 effectively is trying to steal you rmoney

Shit like this fucking pisses me off. You cannot trust any company... buncha fuckin lies to suck ppl in. Consumer either spends massive amounts of time to figure out if its worth it or gets ripped off. This buyer beware shit needs to stop and companies need to be accountable for the fucking garbage they sell and the BS claims they make.
Shit like this fucking pisses me off. You cannot trust any company... buncha fuckin lies to suck ppl in. Consumer either spends massive amounts of time to figure out if its worth it or gets ripped off. This buyer beware shit needs to stop and companies need to be accountable for the fucking garbage they sell and the BS claims they make.
you have no idea, i have honestly been annoyed by seeing tbn everywhere for a while. i even remember when they first strated and they were recruiting ppl to sponsor them by giving them products to use and promote in their yt vids. if you notice all the comments and ppl sayign its awesome literally are also doing giveaways of it on their channels. it's a network of ppl, i won't name them as some of them seem like decent enough folks i think they just got their ego stroked by tbn when they "earned" a sponsorship. so when you say it pisses you off x's that by 10 for me because i see these fruit loops in my yt feed everyday. today i snapped because for whatever reason i decided to click on it and i see this clown with the C02 sensor literally resting on the bottle and he s showing it read 2500ppm lolol like bro you would literally be nauseous and sick if the room was 2500ppm and as i satated the thing was resting on the nozzle not even hanging right above it. smh, there is not one video despite all the time they putinto theior bulshit posts that shows a C02 senso in an actual grow. sorry i am ranting again, it just pisses me off how much a blatant rip off it is and the target audience is new growers. it really makes me mad because with legalization many new growers are actually ppl growing it for medicine. i picture my aunt in colorodo deciding to grow her first cannabis plant and falling for this shit. it's no wonder you don't see that asshole around these parts, at least he is smart enough to know he would get roasted here or thcfarmer overgrown wherever more experienced growers are.
sorry about the rant man :)
you have no idea, i have honestly been annoyed by seeing tbn everywhere for a while. i even remember when they first strated and they were recruiting ppl to sponsor them by giving them products to use and promote in their yt vids. if you notice all the comments and ppl sayign its awesome literally are also doing giveaways of it on their channels. it's a network of ppl, i won't name them as some of them seem like decent enough folks i think they just got their ego stroked by tbn when they "earned" a sponsorship. so when you say it pisses you off x's that by 10 for me because i see these fruit loops in my yt feed everyday. today i snapped because for whatever reason i decided to click on it and i see this clown with the C02 sensor literally resting on the bottle and he s showing it read 2500ppm lolol like bro you would literally be nauseous and sick if the room was 2500ppm and as i satated the thing was resting on the nozzle not even hanging right above it. smh, there is not one video despite all the time they putinto theior bulshit posts that shows a C02 senso in an actual grow. sorry i am ranting again, it just pisses me off how much a blatant rip off it is and the target audience is new growers. it really makes me mad because with legalization many new growers are actually ppl growing it for medicine. i picture my aunt in colorodo deciding to grow her first cannabis plant and falling for this shit. it's no wonder you don't see that asshole around these parts, at least he is smart enough to know he would get roasted here or thcfarmer overgrown wherever more experienced growers are.
sorry about the rant man :)
100% with you on this. Its absolutely disgusting... would love to see marketplace, W5 or any other investigative show put these assholes on T.V.