to 12/12 or not to 12/12


Well-Known Member
18/6 is for Veg. unless you have an autoflowering strain. you do 12/12 to flower or you can do 10/14 or 8/16 thats p to you but the plant needs atleast 12 hors of darjness to flower. got pics?


Active Member
i'm doing 8/16 that ok? i've done 12/12 for 2 weeks and the plants (3) are growing upwards i just went to 8/16 2 days ago..

it's in the dark/sleeping now..will post pics tomorrow:)


Well-Known Member
aslong as you sont interupt it thenit should do fine. might wanna do 6/18 for the last two weeks or sumthin i heard that might help it mature faster


Active Member
I wouldn't be switching you light cycle back and forth too much if I were you. Either veg or flower. Don't keep changing your mind, thatll give you nothing but hermies. And keep in mind... dark time = very dark time. If you must look when they are sleeping, use minimal light for a super fast time. No dinking around in there. And no light peeping through door cracks either.

Let me explain how a plant 'works', and that will explain alot. During the dark hours, your plant processes sugars which in turn is what causes the flowering stage. I don't know if you need 12 hours of darkness to flower, do what works, at least 12 hours of darkness. People have different opinions about whether a longer dark period will mature your plant faster, but logic tells me yes, and so do a few other growers. They say it cuts down on your yeild, which logic also tells me is correct.

photosynthasis = growth
darkness = sugars

I recomend you go straight 24 hours of light for veg, and at least 12 hours of darkness for flower.


Well-Known Member
ive had better results with 18/6 than 24 i think i mimics the sun better but thats just my opinon but logic tells me i have to be somewhat right.


Active Member
alright thanks for the info guys..really appreciate it:) will post some pics tomorrow..also the plants are just shooting upwards..also, was wondering what would happen if a small amount of light leaks through? i mean in response to MissBehavin..what if dark does not = very dark?


Active Member
you want to keep things as close to nature as possible

has any one ever tryed like 16 - 18 light to 12 dark to flower I think I may make more use of less lights if the exposier (sp?)is longer , will this work and in what way?


Well-Known Member
likey it needs to be completly dark NO LIGHT WHAT SO EVER. And Bract you mean like a 30 hour day i would think it would confuse the plant maybe not it sounds good but idk try it if you want id really like to know if it work sounds like a pretty good idea.


Well-Known Member
18/6 or 24/0 for veg
12/12 for flower
absolutely dark
Your plant might be getting tall because you dont have enough light and it is stretching, what are you using for light


Active Member
good call smppro thats what I was thinking as I was reading through here, I just hope your plants "shooting up" growth isnt stretching.

what kind of lights are you using? and how close to the plant(s)?


Active Member
i'm only using a single 36watt 3' on a very tight to no budget
:( and it's standing on to one side of the wall..i use alu foil to reflect the light and to keep out the light during the dark/sleep's in the bathroom as i have no other place to put it..think it's about 3' tall now (1 of em..) and the other two are about 2'


Active Member
i'm doing 8/16 that ok? i've done 12/12 for 2 weeks and the plants (3) are growing upwards i just went to 8/16 2 days ago..

it's in the dark/sleeping now..will post pics tomorrow:)
Your plants grow A LOT during the first few weeks of flower. This is normal. Just stick with 1 light schedule. 12/12 works best for me.


Active Member
also..i've stop the nutes..was wondering should i continue with the nutes? plants are not looking as healthy as when it was on it:( (using miracle gro)


Active Member
hey guys, here's the update on my babies:)

it's been on 12/12 for sometime now (since my last logged) and the babies are doing fine :)

we stopped the nutes for a week and it almost died!!

the leaves started to curl inwards and browned.

so we put it back on the nutes and 3 days later it started to curl outwards and flower!!!:hump:

except for the other 2 - they still have not uncurl their leaves:cry:

today is the 2nd day of flowering for the bigger one:) it is about 73cm tall (28inches - 2'3") and about 4 months old

here are some pics of our babies, growroom & the nute we use - not that great of quality tho - only using my cellphone cam:-



Well-Known Member
they r as everyone thought, super stretched... U really should get a few more cfl's in the. 1 36w bulb will be no good for flowering a plant of that size...

Something to DEFO think about on ur next grow


Active Member
yeah..was gonna get 2 more 36watts floro to light my babies:)

so 2 will be hanging from the top and the other will be place at the bottom to shine the light from the bottom.

by the way..IT'S A GIRL!!!:)

can anyone tell what species she is or belong to? someone said it was sativa