Keep It Simple Stoner is a philosophy of simplicity in feeding and is most commonly associated with the use of MaxiBloom as a single, 1 part nutrient for your plant, ...if you use MaxiBloom, from seed and rooted clone up to harvest without additives except a touch of silica to balance the ph it's almost brain-dead simple to grow strong, healthy plants.
...i personally used the MaxiBloom with Silica Blast and nothing else for close to a year before switching to Jack's Pro which is a 2 part meaning you have a base nutrient powder to which you also add calcium nitrate, ...i switched because i saw great results by growers i respected and because it is much less money, ...although compared to regular nutrient lines MaxiBloom is VERY inexpensive to run.
...i'm not allowed to link off site but if you do a Google for 'Ioni Botani' you will find a long running thread on the use of MaxiBloom with full instructions and a healthy discussion with MANY testimonials of VERY happy growers!
peace, bozo