To All Larger-Scale Apartment Growers! New Cali Resident!


Well-Known Member
i have no idea where people get these wattage rules for apartments and houses based on number of rooms. using x amount of watts for y amount of rooms is bullshit. i live in a one bedroom, and im using about 3000 watts total power for my grow. why does everyone think the power company is going to rat them out? what do you think they are saying? "holy shit, they are using a GANG LOAD of juice, these people are going to owe us a lot of money!! we better call the police, because we hate getting huge checks from our customers!!" it just aint happening. power companies get huge boners off of people who consumer watts like hummers eat gas. your power company is the last thing you have to worry about, and if the cops EVER take a look at your power usage, then its because they already had a tip-off from something else, and they are just using it to get a more clear picture of your op.

did you say you are getting an AC? thats an extra 1000 watts right there, maybe more. just pay your bill on time, and all will be good. besides, you have the medi card, and you are technically legal. the Fed Gov aint going to be wasting their time on a minor grow like this anyways. even if for some insane reason they did, you wouldnt serve time, you would just get all your stuff jacked.

on a lighter note, my fucking wife left out the soy-milk, and it was all warm and nasty when i poured it on my captain crunch, which made is get soggy almost instantly...i should go crack her skull...

LOL that was some funny shit right there I about pissed myself. but no I am not getting an AC, i live right off the beach and even in the summer the hottest it gets in my grow room is 85, around this time it stays at 70-75 at night when i run the lights.. gotta love norcal. and i feel ya bagel i donno where these rules of growing came into effect with the whole power situation, i have seen cali medi grows with 8-10k watts in a house and i know it aint no 10 bedroom mansion lol

pay the bill, scrub the smell, keep your trap shut and grow in peace

and calicat you are incorrect, bagelthief is right the fact is that MY county does not follow the state guidelines and has adopted a lets say looser policy.

no plant limits stated
100sq ft of canopy
3lbs dried medicine per patient

so between me and my girlfriend we are allowed 200 sq ft and 6 lbs and are completely legal